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Heartbeat Signal ABM Love Version MBTI, test your love animal personality? (PsycTest version)

Love/Relationship 50 5 minute 91
Heartbeat Signal ABM Love Version MBTI, test your love animal personality? (PsycTest version)
Have you ever wondered what your love animal personality is? Do you want to understand your performance and needs in love? Do you want to find a partner who is more compatible with you? If your answer is yes, then you must try this heartbeat signal ABM Love Animal Personality Test (PsycTest version). This psychological test is based on the ABM animal behavior metaphor theory. It can help you disco...

HLWP Love Personality Test

Love/Relationship 40 4 minute 7
HLWP Love Personality Test
Test which love personality type you are in HLWP? Psychologists have divided human personality into four basic types, namely "lively type" (H), "power type" (L), "perfect type" (W), and "peaceful type" (P). 1. H-type love personality (lively type): This kind of person is usually lively and changeable, and likes artistic and sensual things. Love often lasts only three minutes, and love comes and go...

WVI Schuber Career Values ​​Free Online Test

Workplace/career 40 4 minute 57
WVI Schuber Career Values ​​Free Online Test
The WVI Career Values ​​Test is a classic test compiled by American psychologist Schuber in 1970. It is designed to measure the importance an individual attaches to the intrinsic and extrinsic values ​​and motivating factors of work. Methods for testing values ​​and motivators. It divides professional values ​​into three dimensions: intrinsic values, extrinsic values ​​and extrinsic rewards. 1. In...

Fun psychological test: Test your love index

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute 10
Fallin love is an intimate relationship that a person can establish independently, voluntarily and freely in the course of life. The meaning of falling in love is to let yourself and the person you love admire each other, care for each other, understand each other, help each other, and hope to keep the promise and maintain love forever. Falling in love is full of your changing thoughts. One moment...

Is your love psychology normal?

Love/Relationship 3 3 minute 8
You must have a normal psychological state when you are in love, otherwise, you will not be able to fall in love successfully. Even if they are forced to be together, it will not end well. Therefore, a normal love psychology is the basis of love. Is your love psychology normal? Read the question and find the answer.

Fun Love Psychology Test: Test your love IQ

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute 1
People often say that falling in love makes people "childish". When you meet someone you like, your IQ usually drops. No matter how smart you were, you won't be of any use to him. When people fall in love, their IQ becomes negative. This shows how powerful love is. Love will indeed change a person's temperament. Just like girls will act coquettish and cute with their boyfriends after falling in lo...

Test how you feel in love (test for boys)

Love/Relationship 4 2 minute 1
Love is a very passionate emotion. Men and women in love feel that they are the masters of the world, or that the world is a wonderful paradise. There are countless similar beautiful feelings. Based on sorting out these beautiful feelings, psychologist Eugene compiled this test, which contains 69 manifestations of love. According to statistics, among those who have taken the test, almost half have...

Test how you feel in love (girl test)

Love/Relationship 2 2 minute
Love is a very passionate emotion. Men and women in love feel that they are the masters of the world, or that the world is a wonderful paradise. There are countless similar beautiful feelings. Based on sorting out these beautiful feelings, psychologist Eugene compiled this test, which contains 69 manifestations of love. According to statistics, among those who have taken the test, almost half have...

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