'防御' related tests

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Test how strong your psychological defense is?

Test introduction Mental/Health 15 2 2 Minutes 14
Psychological defense refers to the degree of trust and caution towards others. Some psychological defenses are extremely high and it is difficult to trust others. Some are low. One or two words or a small thing can break through the psychological defenses and make others trust you. . The psychological defense line is a limit. The psychological defense line refers to the degree of trust and cauti...

Guilt and Shame Tendency Test

Guilt and Shame Tendency Test
Explore your inner world and find out whether you are more likely to feel guilt or shame. PsycTest provides you with professional personality analysis to help you better understand yourself and improve your emotional management capabilities. Take the test and uncover your psychological secrets! Have you ever made the atmosphere freeze instantly due to a careless remark, and have you fallen into ...

Test your awareness of strangers

Psychological factors such as human cognition, emotion, intention, etc. are subject to changes and changes under the influence of external conditions. Therefore, in order to resist and prevent the invasion of cults, efforts should be made to build people's psychological prevention system. The primitive defense mechanism refers to the defense mechanism formed by childhood life experiences. Protect...

Harry Potter's Patronus is a free test. What animal is your Patronus?

Test introduction Life/hobbies 11 20 1 Minutes 51
Harry Potter's Patronus is a free test. What animal is your Patronus?
The Expecto Patronum is one of the most powerful and ancient defensive spells in the wizarding world, and it is also the most famous defensive spell. Successfully casting a Patronus Charm is extremely difficult. The Patronus Charm can be used to ward off dementors. When issuing this spell, the wizard needs to concentrate, think about the happiest things in his heart, and say 'Call God for Protecti...

WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test

Test introduction Mental/Health 50 5 3 Minutes 10
WCS Williams Creativity Scale Free Online Test
Creativity is a comprehensive ability unique to human beings. It refers to the ability to generate new ideas, discover and create new things. Creativity is a psychological quality necessary for the successful completion of creative activities. It is composed of multiple factors such as knowledge, intelligence, ability and excellent personality qualities. Creativity is an important symbol that dis...

Impulsive Personality Test: Find out your blind spots

Impulse refers to a behavioral defect that is caused by external stimulation, breaks out suddenly, lacks rationality, is blind, and lacks a clear understanding of the consequences. Impulses are driven by passion and have strong emotional overtones. Their behavior lacks conscious and active regulation, so they often behave emotionally and act recklessly. They neither think clearly about the purpos...

Psychological test: What is the personality color hidden deep in your heart?

Test introduction Mental/Health 30 20 4 Minutes 22
Psychological test: What is the personality color hidden deep in your heart?
Want to know what is the personality color hidden deep inside you? Each color represents our unique emotions and experiences. For example, red may represent your passion and courage, while blue may reflect your wisdom and calmness. But, have you ever wondered what the color of your inner world is? Red: Symbolizes enthusiasm, passion, fighting spirit, and confidence. Yellow: Symbolizes vitality,...

Picture test: TAT Thematic Apperception Test, how deeply do you hide yourself?

TAT Thematic Apperception Test, the full English name is Thematic Apperception Test, is a projective personal test invented by American psychologist Henry Murray in 1935. TAT inspires test subjects to project their inner fantasies and mental activities through sketch images, and inadvertently becomes an X-ray showing the test subject's heart and self. At present, TAT is also one of the more comm...

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