'自杀意念' related tests

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Are you suffering from depression?

Test introduction Mental/Health 18 5 1 Minutes 21
Are you suffering from depression?
According to a survey by the World Health Organization, approximately 100 million people around the world currently suffer from depression, and the number is increasing, making it an 'epidemic' today. Depression is a symptom of neurosis. It is a disease caused by body dysfunction caused by excessive use of the brain, mental stress, and physical exertion. It includes insomnia, anxiety, hypochondri...

Mood Thermometer (BSRS-5) Online Test

Test introduction Mental/Health 6 10 1 Minutes 10
Mood Thermometer (BSRS-5) Online Test
The Mood Thermometer (BSRS-5) is a simple mental health self-assessment tool that helps quickly screen for anxiety, depression, anger and other psychological distress. It is widely used in suicide prevention, community screening and mental health research. Learn about the origins, applications and online testing methods of mood thermometers. What is a mood thermometer? The Mood Thermometer, also...

Harry Potter's Patronus is a free test. What animal is your Patronus?

Test introduction Life/hobbies 11 20 1 Minutes 51
Harry Potter's Patronus is a free test. What animal is your Patronus?
The Expecto Patronum is one of the most powerful and ancient defensive spells in the wizarding world, and it is also the most famous defensive spell. Successfully casting a Patronus Charm is extremely difficult. The Patronus Charm can be used to ward off dementors. When issuing this spell, the wizard needs to concentrate, think about the happiest things in his heart, and say 'Call God for Protecti...

Picture Psychology Test: Test your subconscious mind

Test introduction Mental/Health 1 5 1 Minutes 21
Subconscious is a psychological term. 'Human instinct is a subconscious part of the brain' refers to the unnoticed part of human psychological activities, and is people's 'mental activity process that has occurred but has not reached the state of consciousness.' Freud further divided the subconscious into two parts, the preconscious and the unconscious. Some also translated it as preconscious and ...

Depression Self-Assessment Test: Understanding Your Mental Health Status

Test introduction Mental/Health 30 5 1 Minutes 10
Depression Self-Assessment Test: Understanding Your Mental Health Status
Depression is a serious psychological disorder that often manifests as low mood, loss of interest and pleasure, self-denial, self-blame, and a sense of helplessness, and even suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Symptoms of depression may affect a person's sleep, eating, and daily activities, placing a significant burden on daily life. The causes of depression may be multifactorial and include biolog...

Test your sense of security: Mental Health Assessment Questionnaire

Test introduction Mental/Health 75 10 4 Minutes 6
Security is a feeling of confidence, safety and freedom from fear and anxiety. It is a feeling that meets a person's various needs now and in the future. It is a premonition of possible physical or psychological dangers or risks. And the individual's sense of power/powerlessness in dealing with the situation, mainly manifested as a sense of certainty and controllability. Insecurity refers to an em...

Bipolar Disorder-Young's Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) Online Test | Free

Test introduction Mental/Health 11 5 1 Minutes 20
Bipolar Disorder-Young's Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) Online Test | Free
Have you ever experienced wild mood swings, high energy, and unusual levels of activity? These may be signs of manic symptoms. Mania is a bipolar disorder that can cause problems in your life. Want to better understand the extent of your symptoms? Now, we offer you a quick and easy way to self-test your mania symptoms the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). The Bipolar Disorder Rating Scale is a cli...

Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale DBVS-S (Student Paper) Online Test

Delaware Bullying Victimization Scale DBVS-S (Student Paper) Online Test
Bullying is defined as malicious behavior that occurs in a school environment in which one student or a group of students intentionally targets another student physically, verbally, socially, or online. Here are some common bullying situations in schools: 1. Verbal Bullying: This is one of the most common forms of bullying. It includes the use of verbal behaviors such as ridicule, insults, humili...

Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-SF) Free Online Test

Test introduction Mental/Health 13 12 1 Minutes 48
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-SF) Free Online Test
BDI-SF (Beck Depression Inventory Short Form), also known as Beck Depression Rating Scale, was compiled by the famous American psychologist Beck AT in the 1960s and has since been widely used. in clinical epidemiological investigations. The early version of BDI had 21 items, and its items were derived from clinical practice. Later it was discovered that some patients with depression, especially t...

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