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Is being efficient and biting your nails actually 'high-functioning anxiety'?

A complete guide to the symptoms, self-diagnosis methods and relief techniques of high-functioning anxiety disorder to help you understand and improve your anxiety and regain inner peace. Have you heard of the term 'High-Functioning Anxiety'? This is not a formal medical diagnosis, but rather describes a specific behavioral state. When you find yourself biting your nails and scratching your hair...

How should you answer the question 'What are you doing while unemployed' in an interview?

During the interview process, facing the 'killer' question is a challenge that every job seeker will encounter. This article summarizes 5 common and difficult interview questions and provides practical answer strategies to help job seekers stand out in interviews and increase their chances of admission. 1. How long have you been looking for a job? What did you do when you were unemployed? Emplo...

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