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PSS Skoda Stress Perception Scale Free Online Test

Mental/Health 7 1 Minutes 2
PSS Skoda Stress Perception Scale Free Online Test
Stress perception refers to the body's ability to sense and feel stress. Stress refers to various forces or conditions that affect the psychological and physiological state of the human body. These forces or conditions can be stressful stimuli from the external environment, or they can be internal psychological, emotional, or physiological factors. People perceive and experience stress in differen...

psychological stress test

Mental/Health 5 2 Minutes 5
psychological stress test
In the fast-paced modern society, everyone may experience some stress. Psychological stress refers to the psychological response of an individual to an individual's inability to adapt to the environment. It can come from a variety of factors, such as work, family, interpersonal relationships, etc. If you feel that your psychological stress is relatively high, don’t worry, there are now free psycho...

life events stress scale test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 1
life events stress scale test
The Life Events Stress Scale is a tool used to assess the impact of life events an individual has experienced over a period of time on their psychological stress levels. This scale is designed to measure an individual's degree of stress to various life events and the impact these events may have on their health and well-being. Life event stress scales usually consist of a series of specific life ...

Psychological Test: Mental Stress Level Test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 3
Psychological Test: Mental Stress Level Test
The Stress Test is a tool used to assess an individual's level of stress. Everyone's ability to withstand stress is different, so you must learn to 'prescribe the right medicine', first analyze how much stress you can withstand, and then further find the root cause and relieve the stress. A mental stress test can help you understand your stress tolerance and help you find ways to cope with stres...

Psychological test: Can you handle stress well?

Character/Personality 5 4 Minutes 2
The ability to handle stress is a very important psychological ability, because in life, we often face various pressures and challenges, such as work pressure, academic pressure, interpersonal pressure, family pressure, etc., if these pressures cannot be obtained effectively processed, can have a negative impact on our physical and mental health. Here are some ways to deal with stress: Positive ...

Picture Psychological Test: Stress Test

Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes
Stress refers to the emotional reaction of physical and mental tension and uneasiness that people feel when facing challenges or demands. Stress can come from a variety of different factors, such as work, school, relationships, health, finances, etc. Moderate stress can stimulate people's enthusiasm and creativity, but excessive stress can have adverse effects on the body and psychology. In psych...

Test your stress level

Character/Personality 2 1 Minutes 1
It’s no secret that living under stress can cause us serious emotional problems and even take a toll on our physical health. So why is it so difficult for us to take action to reduce stress and improve our lives? Researchers at Yale University finally have the answer. They found that stress reduces the volume of gray matter in areas of the brain responsible for self-control. So, being stressed a...

Mental Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) Free Online Test

Mental/Health 15 2 Minutes 8
Mental Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) Free Online Test
Psychological Resilience Scale is a commonly used psychological assessment tool used to measure an individual's ability to cope and recover when facing stress, adversity and challenges. It helps researchers and clinical professionals understand individuals' psychological adaptability and coping strategies in difficult situations. Mental toughness scales usually consist of a series of questions or...

Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) Free Online Test

Character/Personality 12 4 Minutes 12
Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) Free Online Test
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI-56) is a commonly used psychometric tool to assess an individual's narcissistic tendencies. It was designed and developed in 1979 by Professor Ruskin of the University of California, USA. NPI stands for 'Narcissistic Personality Inventory', and 56 represents the number of questions in the test. The NPI-56 uses a self-report assessment, in which subjects...

Self-rating Emotion Scale/Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale (DASS-21) online assessment

Mental/Health 15 1 Minutes 14
Self-rating Emotion Scale/Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale (DASS-21) online assessment
The DASS-21 (Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale) is a commonly used self-report scale used to assess an individual's emotional state in terms of depression, anxiety, and stress. It was developed by Lovibond (1995) and has been widely used in many studies and clinical practice. The DASS-21 contains three subscales that assess depression, anxiety, and stress respectively. Each subscale consists of 7 i...

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