MBTI personality encyclopedia: ESFJ - Consul personality

MBTI personality encyclopedia: ESFJ - Consul personality

Consul Personality (ESFJ) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, E stands for extroversion, S stands for practicality, F stands for emotion, and J stands for independence.

The word that best describes the Consuls is ‘popular.’ In high school, they are often the cheerleaders or quarterbacks, in the spotlight leading the team to victory and glory. Later in life, Consuls also enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing parties, and doing whatever they can to make everyone happy.

Discussing scientific theories and debating international politics are unlikely to sustain the interest of the ‘archons.’ They care more about tangible things, such as improving their social status and observing the actions of others. Paying attention to what’s going on around them is what they have to do, but people with the Consul personality type will do whatever they can to put their abilities to good use.

Personality Traits

Respect the wisdom of leaders

Consuls are altruists who take their responsibility to help others and do the right thing extremely seriously. Unlike more idealistic personality types, Consuls base their moral compass on existing traditions and laws, supporting authority and rules rather than deriving moral standards from philosophy and mysticism. What they need to remember is that people come from many different backgrounds and think from different perspectives, and what they think is right is not always the truth.

People with the Consul personality type like to help others and enjoy doing meaningful things as long as their importance is recognized and they are appreciated. This is especially true in families, where the “archons” are loyal, loving, and devoted partners and parents. People with the Consul personality type respect hierarchy and strive to gain certain rights for themselves, whether at home or at work, which allows them to make everyone’s division of labor clear, stable, and orderly.

Harmonious relationship

People with the Consul personality type are outgoing and helpful, and are always at the party - they always have time to chat and laugh with everyone. But their investment doesn’t stop there. People with the Consul personality type are sincerely willing to listen to their friends’ feelings and movements, remember small details and are always ready to express their thoughts with warm words and delicate emotions. If something goes wrong, or tension arises in the room, they’ll quickly catch it and work to bring everyone back to a harmonious and stable state.

People with the archon personality type dislike conflicts very much. They spend a lot of energy establishing social order. They prefer well-thought-out plans and organized activities to unknown activities and spontaneous gatherings. People of this type go to great lengths for the activities they arrange, and can easily get their feelings hurt if their ideas are rejected or if others show no interest in them. Again, Consuls must remember that everyone comes from a different background, and others’ disinterest is not intentional about them or the events they organize—it’s just not a good fit for those people.

Compromising with one’s own delicate sensitivities is the biggest challenge of ‘Consul’ - there will always be objections and criticisms. Although it is difficult, it is also a part of life. The best thing for them to do is to do what they do best: be a role model, solve what they can, and enjoy the appreciation of others for their efforts.


  • Taylor Swift, American female singer, songwriter, music producer, and actress.
  • Jennifer Garner, American actress and producer.
  • William Jefferson Clinton (Bill Clinton), American Democratic politician, the 42nd President of the United States.
  • Steve Harvey, American actor, writer, and host.
  • Danny Glover (Danny Glover), American actor, director, and producer, committed to the fight to eliminate poverty, fight AIDS, and protect the rights of minorities.
  • Jennifer Lopez, American singer, actress, producer, fashion designer, and businessman.
  • Sally Field, American actress, whose representative works include ‘Slim Daddy’ and ‘Forrest Gump’.
  • Tyra Banks, American African-American former supermodel, actress, singer, television producer and talk show host.
  • Sansa Stark, a character in the fantasy novel ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ and its derivative works.
  • Dean Winchester, character in the American TV series Supernatural.
  • Jack Shephard (Jack Shephard), character in the American TV series ‘Lost’.
  • Cersei Lannister, a character in the fantasy novel ‘A Song of Ice and Fire’ and its derivative works.
  • Carmela Soprano, character in the American TV series ‘The Sopranos.’
  • Monica E. Geller (Monica), character in the American sitcom ‘Friends’.
    -Mrs.Hudson, a character in the Sherlock Holmes series.
  • Larry Bloom, character in the TV series Orange Is the New Black.


  • Strong practical skills - Consuls are excellent managers of day-to-day tasks and routine maintenance, and enjoy making sure those close to them are well taken care of.
  • Strong Sense of Responsibility – People with the Consul personality type have a strong sense of responsibility and strive to fulfill their obligations, although sometimes this may come more from social expectations than intrinsic drive.
  • Fiercely Loyal - Consuls place a high value on stability and security and desire to maintain the status quo, which makes them very loyal and trustworthy partners and employees. Consuls are a true pillar of any group they belong to - whether it’s their family or a community club, people with this personality type can always be relied on.
  • Sensitive and Passionate - Helping to ensure stability, the Consul personality seeks harmony and cares deeply about the feelings of others, being careful not to offend or hurt anyone. Consuls are strong team players and win-win situations are what smiles are made of.
  • Ability to connect with others - These qualities combine to make Consuls social, comfortable and popular. Consuls have a strong need to ‘belong’ and don’t mind making small talk or following social cues to help them play an active role in their community.


  • Worry about their social status - These weaknesses are related to a major strength: Consuls’ concern for social status and influence, which affects many of the decisions they make and may limit their creativity and openness.
  • Inflexibility - Consuls place great value on what is socially acceptable and can be very cautious and even critical of anything that is unconventional or outside the mainstream. People with this personality type may also sometimes push their beliefs too hard in an effort to establish them as mainstream.
  • Unwillingness to innovate or improvise - Just as they may criticize the ‘unusual’ behavior of others, Consuls may also be unwilling to step out of their comfort zone, often for fear of (or simply appearing to be) different.
  • Vulnerable to criticism - Changing these tendencies is especially challenging because Consuls are very conflict-averse. Consul personalities can become very defensive and hurtful if someone, especially someone close to them, criticizes their habits, beliefs, or traditions.
  • Often Too Needy - Consuls need to hear and see a lot of appreciation. If their efforts go unnoticed, people with the Consul personality type may begin to seek praise in an attempt to reassure themselves of how much they are valued.
  • Too Selfless - Consuls, on the other hand, will sometimes try to establish their worth through coddling, which can quickly overwhelm those who don’t need it, ultimately making them unpopular. Furthermore, Consuls often neglected their own needs in the process.

in love

With such a high emphasis on social recognition and belonging, romantic relationships took on special importance for the Consuls. No other relationship can provide the same level of support and devotion to someone with the Consul personality type, and the sense of security and stability that a strong romantic relationship brings can be very heartwarming.

With such a goal in mind, Consul characters take every stage, from dating to everything after, very seriously. Everything about an Consul relationship is based on meeting mutual needs, from establishing understanding early on to establishing mutual respect and support for each other’s opinions and goals. Knowing that they are loved and appreciated has a huge impact on an Consul’s mood and self-esteem.

A gentle heart

Consuls can feel very hurt if they feel that this support is not there, such as when their partner criticizes them. People with the Consul personality type dislike conflict and criticism, which can make it challenging to resolve any problems that arise. Nothing is more hurtful or frustrating for an Consul than realizing that their partner doesn’t respect their dreams or opinions. Consuls can be surprisingly tough and tireless in the face of difficulty, but they need to know without a doubt that their partners have their backs 100%.

Unfortunately, less mature Consuls may lack the inner strength and wisdom to attract this type of person in a healthy way. They may be so needy that they sacrifice their own principles and values in exchange for their partner’s approval. This is a terrible trap - not only is it unattractive, but it can easily lead to emotional abuse, further lowering the Consul’s self-esteem. Another pitfall is their obsession with social status and recognition - it is not uncommon for the Consul’s social circle and relatives to be more important than their own values when choosing a date.

Cultivate trust

Consuls are passionate, loyal people who want to be trusted and valued. They are very good at handling practical matters such as money management and administrative tasks, and are happy to take on these responsibilities in the name of caring for the people they care about, which is an amazing quality. Consuls just need to make sure they take the time to ensure they’re in a relationship that allows them to meet their needs and dreams, with a partner who fully appreciates their care and generosity and reciprocates it.

Consuls are usually very methodical in how their relationships develop, following established dating rules and traditions (no calling on first dates, third dates, etc.). As their relationship enters more sexual phases, the Consul’s emphasis on process and tradition continues to establish gender roles and socially acceptable activities.

However, since Consuls are so focused on the material world and very emotional, they tend to be very affectionate and sensual, and generally make good sexual partners. People with this personality type like to find ways to make their partners happy, and this type of intimacy is a great way to do that. As two partners become more comfortable with each other, Consuls are often willing to experiment and try new things, as long as their partner is willing to reciprocate.

Consuls have specific needs in their relationships, and certain personality types best meet these needs. Generally speaking, a partner should share the Consul’s Sensing (S) trait, but it can also be useful to develop the sense of introspection that an Introverted (I) partner can provide, and perhaps an opposite trait that can help the Consul focus when the time is right. Logical decision-making, or in some cases more open-mindedness.


Consuls are a very social personality type who seek out a large circle of friends and prove themselves more than willing to spend the time and energy necessary to maintain these relationships. Loyal and passionate, Consuls are known for supporting their friends no matter what, and providing constant emotional support and encouragement.

Doing their best to ensure that their friends are happy and happy with introductions and small talk, Consuls are naturally very popular in almost any setting. This is a dynamic that Consuls really enjoy, but they also want their efforts and support to be rewarded. Nothing is more harmful to someone with the Consul personality type than discovering that a trusted friend is critical of their beliefs or habits, unless told so in a direct confrontation.

Consuls tend to believe that their friends can do no wrong and always stand up for them no matter the circumstances, and they expect the same benefit of the doubt. Consuls can greatly expand their circle of friends if they learn to be more receptive to other viewpoints rather than making hasty judgments and conclusions. As with anyone, it’s important for Consuls to avoid being isolated from other perspectives and opinions and to connect with and understand more people.

No one can run away

Consuls, on the other hand, are adept at using their sensitivities to keep up with their friends’ motivations and drives. While in their weaker moments Consul characters can sometimes use these observations to manipulate others, they are more interested in maintaining strong relationships, which is a great tool to use. They are altruistic, and Consuls almost always use their power for good, encouraging and motivating others.

Overall, the Consul personality type is pleasant and genuine. Their energy and social intelligence win them many acquaintances and friends, and their support and devotion keep these friendships close and strong. With so much passion for life and company, dull moments are certainly rare.


As parents, Consuls have a great opportunity to demonstrate their passion, affection and devotion in a way that has a real and positive impact. Consul parents are sensitive and firm, able to establish rules and authority without being completely overbearing, using their sympathy and support to smooth over occasional miscommunications or disagreements.

From the beginning, the Consuls worked hard to ensure that their children felt safe and happy. People with the Consul personality type enjoy the support they are able to provide to their infants, who are completely dependent on their care. Family is equally important to an Consul and is a very rewarding start to a relationship.

Protection or over-protection

As their children grow older and begin to explore more, Consuls grow with them in love and care, but often become overprotective. Consuls not only keep their children safe physically, but also socially, by scheduling playdates, camps, and other activities so that their children are not free to make the mistakes that lead to emotional growth and social independence.

The Consuls placed a high value on harmony and stability, and they often sought to use indirect pressure to try and teach life’s lessons. However, when they are forced into conflict with their children over their blatant wrongdoings, Consul parents step in firmly and expect their words to be respected. Consul parents who believe in traditional roles view the parent-child relationship in black and white terms and their authority is final.


As their children reach adolescence and begin to move away from their parents, the Consuls can take on this transition personally. Feeling like they are losing their child, Consul personalities will sometimes try to prolong their dependence for as long as possible. It is important to remember that when adult children leave home, it is because their parents have successfully prepared them for the next stage of their lives, an achievement that Consuls can be proud of.

The children of the Consuls will be forever grateful for the sensitivity and warmth with which they were raised, and as time passes and they have children of their own, they will cherish the benefit of those children receiving the unconditional love and care of their grandparents.

Career Path

Because the qualities of an Consul are strongly expressed, dominated by a sense of practicality and social vitality, the careers they consider most satisfying often revolve around making the most of these qualities. Consuls are well organized, enjoy bringing order and structure to their workplace, and generally work best in environments with clear, predictable hierarchies and tasks. Monotonous and routine work is not a challenge to the Consul personality type because they enjoy doing what needs to be done.

Altruistic motives

A career as an administrator is a natural fit, allowing an Consul to organize not only the environment, but also the people within it. Their practical skills combined with their reliability make Consul characters surprisingly good accountants - although they usually prefer to be personal accountants, helping people and interacting with them directly, rather than being corporate accountants in some back room Crunch numbers.

However, a purely analytical career is often too boring for Consuls - they need human interaction and emotional feedback to be truly satisfied with their work. Good listeners and enthusiastic team players, people with the Consul personality type make excellent providers of medical and social work. Teaching is another good choice, as Consuls are comfortable with authority, but are supportive and friendly enough to prevent the authority from feeling overbearing.

As altruistic as they are, Consuls find it difficult to be satisfied unless they know they have done something valuable for another person. This was often the driving force behind archontic career and professional development, and made religious work and counseling particularly beneficial.

Whatever they choose to do, the Consul character’s comfort with busy social situations and practical knowledge and skills combine to create people who are not only efficient and helpful, but who actually enjoy it.

working habit

When it comes to work, Consuls have clear tendencies regardless of position. People with the Consul personality type thrive in social order and harmony and use their enthusiasm and social intelligence to ensure that everyone knows their responsibilities and is able to accomplish what needs to be done. Consuls are comfortable and even dependent on clear hierarchies and roles, whether subordinates, peers, or superiors, Consuls want authority to be respected and backed by rules and standards.

As a subordinate

Consuls have a clear sense of responsibility and mission. They are patient, efficient, hard-working people who respect the authority of their superiors. While Consuls may struggle with too much freedom and improvisation, they thrive in a workplace with structure, safety, and guidelines. Day-to-day work is no problem for the Consuls, and their dedication and loyalty earn them the respect of their superiors.

As a colleague

Teamwork is a concept that Consuls can put into practice effortlessly. Often looking for friends at work, people with this personality type are almost always willing to lend a helping hand when and where needed. A great social person, Consul always seems to ‘just know the person’ in order to complete a project on time. Consuls, on the other hand, often need to work in a team - being stuck alone with paperwork for days on end will only leave them tired and unsatisfied.

Consuls prided themselves on these qualities, which had the side effect of making them particularly sensitive to criticism. When their advice and help are rejected, the Consuls can take it personally. Already somewhat susceptible to stress, rejections like this can be frustrating, and Consuls may need their colleagues to make an effort to express their gratitude from time to time.

As a boss

Consuls enjoy the responsibilities that come with organizing social situations, and the pleasure they feel in managing others translates well to management positions. As a team leader, Consuls find ways to make everyone feel involved, unite people, and straighten relationships to get the job done.

At the same time, Consuls have great respect for traditional power structures, and if, after convincing their subordinates to work together, someone ends up challenging their authority, they may get stressed out, lose their temper, and generally react badly. People with the Consul personality type are sensitive to their status, dislike conflict, and prefer situations where everyone knows their role. As long as expectations are clearly outlined, Consuls are effective and pleasant superiors.

Preferred occupation

Preferred job fields: health care, education, social services, consulting, business, marketing, service industry, clerical and other fields.

Typical occupations preferred: Sales representative, retail owner, real estate agent, veterinarian, special education teacher, credit counselor, Employee Assistance Advisor (EAP), physical trainer, nurse, physical therapist, marketing manager, athletic trainer, interpreter and translator, Human resources consultants, merchandise buyers, public relations account managers, etc., personal bank clerks, human resources consultants, receptionists, credit consultants, secretaries.

Path of Discovery

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