16 Sincere Life Advice for Young People

Young people, how are you? I am an old man who is over thirty years old. Today I want to share with you some experiences and lessons I have learned in life, hoping to be helpful and inspiring to you.

I know you may think that I am an old antique and do not understand your world and ideas, but please believe me, I was once a young man just like you. I once had dreams and enthusiasm, and I also made mistakes and confusion. So, please bear with me and hear me out, maybe you will find something useful to you.

Here are 16 honest pieces of life advice:

  1. **Take more photos and videos now. ** No one can escape the passage of time. Your peak appearance should be now. No matter how ugly you look, it is the best time in your life. When you get old, looking back at these photos and videos, you will feel how young and beautiful you once were, and you will also be grateful that you have left these precious memories.
  2. **It’s hard to get to know someone with a high rank. Don’t bother them with big things. Key people should be reserved for critical moments. ** Using connections for worthy causes is also a sign of respect for others’ abilities. Interpersonal relationships are an art, and you must learn to grasp the appropriateness and timing. Don’t lose an important friend or partner because of impulsiveness or greed.
  3. **Be as objective as possible when evaluating your friends’ merits and demerits. ** Because it is too narrow to deny everything about him on one point. Be more open-minded when dealing with people. Even big things like sesame seeds and mung beans can be passed away. No one can make mistakes without being a sage. There will inevitably be friction and misunderstandings between friends, but as long as the principles and bottom lines are not violated, don’t break off the friendship or turn against each other easily.
  4. **If you can, quit gaming and short videos. These two hobbies will take up too much of your energy, keep you up late for a long time, make you confused, and you will gain nothing in the end. ** I’m not saying that games and short videos are bad in themselves, but if they become the most important thing in your life, that’s a big problem. Games and short videos can only give you short-term pleasure and satisfaction, but they cannot give you a real sense of accomplishment and happiness. They will cause you to miss out on a lot of more meaningful and valuable things.
  5. **Save some time for playing games and give your family more high-quality company. They are the most worthy of your time in the world. ** Family members are people who will never betray you, abandon you, deceive you, or take advantage of you. Their love for you is selfless, unconditional and infinite. They are your strongest support, your warmest harbor, and your closest partners. Please cherish them, be grateful to them, and accompany them.
  6. **Choice is more important than effort, and luck is more important than ability. ** Hard work and ability can make you live a good life, while choice and luck may allow you to achieve a class leap. Most of the ancient and contemporary celebrities are blessed with strong luck buffs. I’m not saying you shouldn’t work hard and improve your abilities, but I’m saying you should have a right direction and a good opportunity. Choosing an industry that suits you, finding a reliable boss, and encountering a good project may all change the trajectory of your life.
  7. Anyone who crosses your bottom line will make him fear you for once in his life. ** Both dogs and people can smell your fear through your eyes. The more ferocious you are, the gentler he will be. Some people just bully the weak and fear the strong. If you don’t give them some clues, they won’t know how high the sky is. Of course, this also depends on the situation and risks. Don’t cause more trouble just for the sake of temporary anger.
  8. **After you read more about people and things, you will find that there are many stupid and bad people in this world. And we have no obligation to spend our time and energy proving that he is a fool. ** Some people are just hopeless, unreasonable, and shameless. Arguing or arguing with them will only bring you down to their level. The best way to deal with such people is to ignore them or stay away from them.
  9. **When choosing a mate, put kindness and generosity before beauty. ** A kind and generous person will not treat your parents badly. Family harmony will save you a lifetime of worry. Beauty only attracts attention, but it does not guarantee happiness. Beauty fades with time, but kindness and generosity grow with time.
  10. **Don’t let others get pregnant easily, and don’t let yourself get pregnant easily. Abortion causes irreversible damage to the body. ** Unless you are really, really ready to have a baby with the other person. Children are a huge responsibility and burden, but also a priceless gift and blessing. If you are not prepared and equipped to raise children, do not easily cause such trouble and harm to yourself or others.
  11. **The benefits that marriage brings to you are also part of the quality of your marriage. ** Although this is difficult to tell outsiders, having a higher-class in-law or father-in-law’s family can really save you many years of struggle. Marriage is not only the relationship and contract between two people, but also the alliance and cooperation between two families. If you can find someone who can bring you more resources and opportunities, then you will be more successful and successful in your career.
    Okay, I’ll keep writing. 😊
  12. **If possible, I hope that my female followers will not marry themselves too far away in the future. ** Sometimes I miss my parents so deeply. No matter how convenient the transportation is, I am afraid that the journey home will be too far. I know you may choose to go away for love or career, but please don’t forget your parents, they are your first harbor and your final destination. Please go home as often as possible to see them, call them, and let them know you care about them and that you miss them.
  13. **Society will teach you emotional management, but time management must be learned by yourself. ** Do what you should do first, then do what you like to do. The former gives you something to eat, the latter gives you something to think about. Time is your most precious resource, and it’s also the resource you’re most likely to waste. If you don’t organize and use your time wisely, you will miss out on a lot of important and meaningful things. Please learn to make plans, set goals, assign priorities, execute actions, and test results.
  14. **You must truly understand the meaning of money in life. **Wars and dynasty changes at home and abroad in ancient and modern times are all aimed at re-establishing rules, and the rules determine who enslaves money and who is enslaved by money. As a layman, make more money if you have the chance. I wish you prosperity and wealth. Money is not everything, but nothing is impossible without money. Money can give you freedom and security, more choices and opportunities, and a better life and enjoyment. Of course, money cannot give you happiness and satisfaction, health and longevity, love and friendship. So please don’t sacrifice other more important things for money.
  15. **Learn to use some fragmented information to exercise your judgment and perception of things, and be a sober person. ** Learn to think deeply when encountering problems, make reasonable inferences, see beyond the surface to see the essence, and don’t be swayed by public opinion. There is a lot of information and knowledge in this world waiting for us to explore and learn, but there are also a lot of lies and misinformation waiting for us to expose and resist. If we cannot think independently and distinguish truth from falsehood, we will be led by others and lose our own opinions and judgments.
  16. **We must conduct deep introspection regularly and look at ourselves from a third-person perspective. ** Those staged confusions, those mistakes made, and the root causes of contradictions will become particularly clear. Self-examination is a method of self-correction and improvement, which allows us to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses, our own strengths and weaknesses, our own progress and stagnation. Through introspection, we can identify our own problems and seek solutions.

These are 16 sincere life suggestions that I want to share with you. I hope you can get some inspiration and encouragement from them. If you liked this article, please give me a like. If you have other life advice, you are welcome to share it with me and let us learn and grow together. Thank you for reading and have a nice day!

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/Vm5brz56/

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