20 must-see documentaries for making money

If you want to stand out in this highly competitive society, you need to constantly learn new knowledge, expand new horizons, and improve your abilities and qualities. Financial knowledge is an indispensable weapon for you. It can help you understand the laws of economic operation, seize investment opportunities, avoid risk challenges, and achieve wealth growth.

Today, I would like to recommend to you 20 must-see documentaries for making money. They cover many fields such as finance, economics, business, branding, etc., and show the secrets of wealth and the wisdom of the rich from different angles. These documentaries have been carefully selected by me, some I have watched over and over again and some I have only recently discovered. I believe that whether you are a financial novice or a veteran, you can benefit a lot from it.

1. ‘The Invisible Billionaire’

This is a very interesting and exciting documentary that tells the story of how a billionaire used 100 US dollars and a small broken car to create a company with a market value of 1 million US dollars in 3 months. Not only did he have to conceal his true identity, he also had to face various difficulties and challenges, such as finding customers, recruiting employees, negotiating contracts, etc. After watching this documentary, you will know that success does not depend on luck or background, but on a strong sense of purpose and execution.

2. ‘Money and Me’

This is a very practical and close-to-life documentary hosted by financial experts to help ordinary people solve daily financial problems. Whether you want to save money, improve your financial situation, or plan for the future, you can learn a lot of useful information and advice from this documentary. For example, you can learn about money-saving tips on medical insurance, buying a house, and retirement care, as well as how to avoid some common financial misunderstandings and traps.

3. ‘Rich Brother, Poor Brother’

This is a very enlightening and educational documentary that tells the story of two pairs of brothers and sisters with similar origins but very different destinies. By comparing their growth experiences, ways of thinking, and life attitudes, it reveals the reasons that lead to the ultimate gap between the rich and the poor. After watching this documentary, you will understand that thinking, cognition and education are key factors that affect the direction of life. If you also want to change your destiny, you must start by changing your thinking.

4. ‘Money Explained’

This is a very in-depth and impactful documentary that dismantles the truth and secrets behind money. By exposing various scams, consumption traps, financial crises and other phenomena, you can see clearly the nature and rules of the money game. After watching this documentary, you will feel shocked and angry, but you will also be more vigilant and rational, knowing how to protect yourself and add value to yourself in the world of money.

5. ‘Becoming Warren Buffett’

This is a very interesting and inspiring documentary about the legendary life of Warren Buffett, the world’s most successful investor. From his early days investing to his rise as a stock investor and philanthropist, this documentary showcases his wisdom, character, style and values. After watching this documentary, you will have more admiration and understanding of Buffett, and you will also learn about his rich people’s thinking, good outlook on money, and amazing self-management and learning abilities.

6. ‘The culprit of uncontrolled consumption’

This is a very meaningful and valuable documentary about the impact and harm of consumerism on individuals and society. By analyzing various commercial consumption traps, such as advertising, promotions, credit cards, etc., you will realize how your consumption behavior is manipulated and misled. After watching this documentary, you will have a new understanding of your own consumption outlook, and you will also know how to be a rational and frugal consumer.

7. ‘Super Customer’

This is a very interesting and useful documentary about how a super shopper saved tons of money using various shopping tips and strategies. He not only exposed the gimmicks and tricks of many merchants, but also shared many money-saving tips, such as how to find the lowest price, how to use coupons, how to combine packages, etc. After watching this documentary, you will find out how much IQ tax you have paid, and you will also learn a lot of shopping skills, so that you can enjoy shopping and save a lot of money at the same time.

8. ‘Ten Minutes Crash Course: Economics’

This is a very concise and interesting documentary that explains the basic concepts and knowledge of economics. Each episode is only about ten minutes, but the content is very rich and exciting. It uses vivid examples and humorous language to allow you to easily understand the principles and applications of economics. After watching this documentary, you will have a basic understanding and interest in economics, and you will also find that economics is not boring or difficult to understand.

9. ‘The Way to Get Rich’

This is a very interesting and informative documentary that tells how the world’s top rich people made their fortunes. From their initial entrepreneurial stories to their final secrets of success, this documentary demonstrates their wisdom, courage, determination and innovation in a humorous and authentic way. After watching this documentary, you will have more admiration and curiosity about them, and you will also learn a lot about how to get rich from them.

10. ‘The Legend of American Business Tycoon’

This is a very exciting and shocking documentary that tells the stories of five business elites in different fields in the United States. From their earliest dreams to their final achievements, this documentary shows their struggles, frustrations, triumphs and glory in a true and touching way. After watching this documentary, you will have more awe and admiration for them, and you will also find that there is a huge and complex world behind every industry.

11. ‘Why Poverty’

This is a thought-provoking documentary that explores the causes and effects of poverty through four stories. After reading it, you will find that poverty is not only an economic state, but also a social phenomenon. It is closely related to education, health, environment, politics and other factors. You will feel the suffering and helplessness of people living in poverty, and you will also feel cherished and grateful for everything you have.

12. ‘The Secret of Brand’

This is a documentary about the history and development of a brand. It analyzes the brand and its meaning from multiple perspectives such as the birth, inheritance, innovation, change, and expansion of the brand, using a combination of theory and practice. You will see many familiar brands, such as Coca-Cola, Apple, Nike, etc., and you will also learn the stories and strategies behind them. You will learn how to build a successful brand, how to create an emotional connection between the brand and consumers, and how to adapt the brand to market changes.

13. ‘Lehman Brothers Trilogy’

This is a documentary about the financial crisis. It focuses on Lehman Brothers and restores the beginning and end of the 2008 global financial crisis. You will see three actors, in a fixed scene, performing the 160-year ups and downs of a financial giant with full tension. You will feel the complexity and cruelty of the financial market, and you will also understand the huge impact of the financial crisis on the world economy and social life.

14. ‘Black Money’

This is a documentary that exposes corporate corruption. It starts from different cases and shows various illegal and unethical behaviors performed by companies for profit. You’ll see everything from payday loans to emissions test fraud, and you’ll see the experiences and efforts of victims and investigators alike. You will find that there is really no free lunch in the world. You must think independently at all times and do not trust other people’s promises and propaganda.

15. ‘Stick to Stealing’

This is a documentary about financial giants. It is set in the United States after the 2008 financial crisis and reveals the shocking truth behind the corrupt policies in the financial industry and academia. You will see how some famous figures, such as Bernie Madoff and Steven Cohen, etc., took advantage of the loopholes and information asymmetry in the financial market to conduct various speculations and manipulations, thereby making huge profits. . You will have a deeper understanding of the economy and financial crises, and you will also have higher expectations for financial supervision and ethics.

16. ‘The Story of Capital’

This is a documentary about introductory financial knowledge. It explains basic concepts such as capital, currency, interest, debt, credit, banking, stocks, and bonds in an 8-minute episode using easy-to-understand language and charts. This is a documentary suitable for novices to watch. It can help you quickly understand the operating mechanism of the financial market and lay a solid foundation for you to further learn financial knowledge.

17. ‘The Rich and Us’

This is a documentary that explores the gap between rich and poor and class divisions. Based on data and facts, it analyzes the imbalance and unfairness of global wealth distribution and its impact on social stability and democratic development. You will see that the richest 1% of the world’s population owns more than 50% of the world’s wealth, while the poorest 50% of the world’s population only owns less than 1% of the world’s wealth. You will see how the rich use political, legal, media and other means to safeguard and expand their interests, while the poor fall into deeper troubles and powerlessness. You will think and reflect more about the world.

18. ‘Inside Bill: Decoding Bill Gates’

This is a biographical documentary about Bill Gates. It is divided into three episodes and tells his thoughts and actions in work, life and future. You will see a genius who is different from ordinary people, how he grew from a computer kid to the founder of Microsoft and one of the richest people in the world, how he transformed from a business giant to a philanthropist and charity leader, and how he faced own inner conflicts and challenges. You will see a real and complex character with extraordinary intelligence and vision, but also ordinary emotions and flaws.

19. ‘How the Economic Machine Works’

It is a very detailed economic science documentary that is easy to understand. After watching it for the first time, it was not enough, so I watched it again. Many things can be applied to practice. It is recommended to take notes.

20. ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’

I originally thought it was a business war film, but I didn’t expect it to be a biopic, and it was very entertaining. From entering and exiting Wall Street to finally going to jail, how desires expand step by step, and how human nature degenerates little by little…

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