Five-ball philosophy of life, are you playing it right?

**Each of us is a clown, playing with these five balls in our life: family, work, health, friends and soul. Among the five balls, only the work ball is made of rubber and will bounce back when smashed. The other four balls are made of glass and will never recover after being smashed. **

This sentence sounds very philosophical and very realistic. Each of us is going through different stages of life, constantly looking for a balance between these five balls. But do we really understand the value and significance of each ball?

Work is the basis of our survival and the way for us to realize our self-worth. Without work, there is no income, and without income, there is no security of life. But work is not all of our lives, it is just a means, not an end. Jobs can be replaced, adjusted, and started over. Just like Luo Yonghao, from reselling second-hand books to being an Internet celebrity live broadcast, although he has experienced many setbacks and failures, he has also demonstrated an ability to constantly change and adapt. He explained in his own way what ’there is only one kind of heroism in the world, and that is to still love it after knowing the truth of life.'

Family is the harbor of our lives and the sustenance of our emotions. With family comes responsibility, with love comes care. Our families give us the most sincere care and support, and they also require our most loyal efforts and dedication. Families are not easy to build, let alone maintain. Once a crack or rupture occurs, it will bring us deep pain and regret. Just like Wen Zhang and Ma Yili, they once loved each other, but got divorced because of cheating. Their children also lost a complete family and were unable to enjoy the care and education of both parents. So we must cherish the family we have and not let regret become a shadow in our lives.

Health is the capital of our life and the prerequisite for our happiness. There is no vitality without health, and there is no happiness without vitality. Health includes not only physical health, but also mental health. We should pay attention to taking care of our bodies and minds to avoid overwork and stress. Otherwise, like the 44-year-old CEO Zhang Rui, he will pass away prematurely in the Internet industry. Although he was successful in his career, he lost his most precious life. Therefore, we must arrange our work and life reasonably and find ways to relax and adjust that suit us.

Friends are the spice of our lives and partners in our growth. With friends there comes communication and sharing, with communication and sharing there comes fun and inspiration. Friends can bring us joy and warmth, as well as help and advice. But not all friends are sincere. Some friends may take advantage of us or even betray us. Just like those friends who borrow money and don’t repay it, they may play well with us, but when it comes to money, they become cold and cunning. Therefore, we must choose our friends carefully, and do not trust and lend money to unfamiliar people easily.

The soul is the driving force of our lives and the core of our personality. With soul, there is pursuit and ideal, and with pursuit and ideal, there is direction and meaning. The soul can be a belief or a dream. The soul allows us to adhere to our principles and values, and also allows us to continue to innovate and make progress. But the soul may also be tempted and polluted. Some people may give up their beliefs for benefit, and some may give up their dreams for comfort. Just like those corrupt officials, they may have been ambitious scholar-bureaucrats, but in the face of power and money, they lost their souls. Therefore, we must stick to our souls and not let external temptations and interference affect our judgment and choices.

Life is like a stage, we are all clowns, juggling five balls in our hands. We must understand the importance and characteristics of each ball, allocate our time and energy reasonably, and do not cause irreparable consequences due to momentary mistakes. Only in this way can we find balance and happiness in life.

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