Different MBTI types have different secrets to getting rich! A suitable way to get rich for SP type personality!

Different MBTI types have different secrets to getting rich! A suitable way to get rich for SP type personality!

Do you know your MBTI type? Do you know what kind of career your MBTI type can help you find? Today I will introduce to you what kind of path to wealth is suitable for the SP personality among MBTI types. If you still don’t know your MBTI type, you can go to PsycTest’s MBTI Zone to take a free test!

First of all, we need to understand that MBTI type is just a personality classification method. It cannot determine whether you can get rich. Getting rich depends on whether you have professional skills, industry knowledge, innovative thinking, business acumen, etc. Therefore, what I am talking about today is just to analyze their possible advantages and suitable fields based on the characteristics of MBTI types. I am not saying that you must follow this, but to give you some reference and inspiration. In the end, it depends on you. own interests, abilities and plans.

ISTP suitable way to get rich

The first is the ISTP type. People of this type usually have strong problem-solving and practical skills. They like hands-on operations and are good at analyzing and solving technical problems. Therefore, they may have opportunities to get rich in the following areas:

-Technical field: ISTP people can consider starting a business or finding employment in fields such as software engineering, mechanical engineering, or electronic engineering, and use their technical abilities to develop valuable products or services.

  • Technical repair and maintenance: ISTP types may also consider entrepreneurship or employment in repair and maintenance services, using their repair and maintenance skills to provide high-quality services to customers and win word-of-mouth and repeat business.
  • Manufacturing and handicrafts: ISTP types can also consider starting a business in the manufacturing or handicraft industry, using their manufacturing and handicraft arts abilities to create distinctive products or works that meet the needs and aesthetics of the market.

Suitable ways for ISFP to get rich

The second is the ISFP type. People of this type usually have strong artistic and aesthetic abilities. They like to create and express, and are good at using colors and forms to show their own style and emotions. Therefore, they may have opportunities to get rich in the following areas:

  • Creative industries: People of ISFP type can consider starting a business or finding employment in creative industries, such as graphic design, illustration, animation, advertising, etc., where they can use their creative abilities to provide customers with attractive visual works.
  • Art industry: ISFP types can also consider starting a business in the art industry, such as painting, sculpture, music or performance, using their artistic abilities to bring beauty enjoyment and touch to the audience.
  • Retail industry: ISFP types can also consider starting a business or finding employment in the retail industry, such as clothing, accessories, home furnishings, etc., where they can use their business and product design capabilities to provide consumers with tasteful goods and services.

Suitable ways to get rich for ESTP

The third is the ESTP type. People of this type usually have a strong sense of adventure and practical ability. They like challenges and excitement, are good at coping with changes and decision-making, and are highly adaptable and competitive. Therefore, they may have opportunities to get rich in the following areas:

  • Sales and Marketing: People of ESTP type can consider starting a business or finding employment in the field of sales and marketing, using their communication and persuasion skills to recommend and sell suitable products or services to customers, winning trust and profits.
  • Real estate and construction industry: ESTP types may also consider starting a business in the real estate and construction industry, using their problem-solving and decision-making skills to provide customers with efficient and high-quality housing and construction solutions, winning reputation and rewards.
  • Catering and tourism: ESTPs can also consider starting a business in the catering and tourism industry, using their adventurous and innovative abilities to provide customers with distinctive and interesting dining and travel experiences, earning praise and loyalty.

Suitable ways for ESFP to get rich

The fourth is the ESFP type. People of this type usually have strong performance and communication skills. They like to interact and share with others, are good at expressing and conveying information, and have strong affinity and appeal. Therefore, they may have opportunities to get rich in the following areas:

  • Performing Arts: People of ESFP type can consider starting a business in the performing arts industry, such as dance, music, theater, and film, using their performance abilities to bring wonderful and interesting performances to audiences, winning applause and income.
  • Hospitality and tourism: ESFP types can also consider starting a business in the hotel and tourism industry, such as running their own hotel or travel company, using their communication and service skills to provide customers with comfortable and enjoyable hotels and tourism. Travel services that earn praise and loyalty.
  • Media and advertising: People of ESFP type can also consider starting a business or finding employment in the media and advertising industry, such as engaging in hosting, interviewing, broadcasting, writing, production, etc., using their expression and communication skills to provide audiences with valuable and Influential media and advertising content that earns attention and revenue.


The above is what I want to share with you, what kind of path to wealth is suitable for the SP personality among the MBTI types. I hope this content will be helpful to you, allowing you to better understand yourself and others, find a career and industry that suits you, and better move towards success and happiness. If you want more MBTI-related content, remember to go to PsycTest’s MBTI Zone. There are many wonderful articles waiting for you to explore, and there are also free MBTI tests for you. Know your type more accurately. Hurry up and try it, maybe you will have unexpected gains!

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/DWx0gq5y/

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