Pick it up with the mentality of letting go, put it down with the mentality of picking up

In life, we often feel anxious because of our obsession with results. We hope that every effort will be rewarded and every decision will bring success. However, this excessive attention and pursuit often causes us to lose ourselves in constant anxiety. Today, we might as well try a different philosophy of life - pick up with the mentality of letting go, and put down with the mentality of picking up.

Put down the mentality to pick up

When facing things, treat them with a letting go mentality and don’t care too much about the results. On the contrary, it will be easier to succeed. Even if you need to ‘pick it up’ to do something, you should treat it with an attitude of indifference.

Imagine, if we no longer care too much about the results when facing challenges such as work, speeches, interviews, etc., but do these things with a relaxed attitude, what changes will happen? When we no longer tie success and failure together, but focus on the experience of the process, the results may actually be better. Just like the Taoist idea of ‘reverse the movement of Tao’, when we face challenges with a letting go mentality, we can respond to everything more freely and naturally.

Pick it up with a letting go mentality, just don’t care, it doesn’t matter, I don’t want it anymore, do whatever you want. You go to work just to resign, you give speeches just to be embarrassed, you go to interviews just to fail, you live just to die, whatever, it’s just for experience, just to accumulate experience.

Every time you go to work, every speech, every interview, or even every little thing in life, you don’t have to be too anxious about the outcome. We can regard these experiences as part of life. Since we have chosen to do it, we should try our best and don’t care whether the result is perfect or not. Because experience itself is a kind of gain, they make us grow and accumulate valuable experience.

Pick up the mentality to put it down

When faced with things we cannot change, we often feel helpless and confused. At this time, you might as well accept it with a ‘pick up’ mentality. Since you can’t let it go, then just pick it up and just do it. It doesn’t matter what the result is, how much money it makes, or what other people do. I will do it even if the King of Heaven comes. Just put it down when you pick it up.

When you devote yourself to something, you are actually letting go of your attachment to the result in another way. This process is fulfilling and meaningful because you find your own value in action. You’ll find that life becomes easier and more comfortable when you let go of worrying about results.


The true meaning of life lies in the experience, not the result. Whether it is work or life, there is no need to be too anxious about the final result. We can pick up all challenges with the mentality of letting go, and we can also let go of things that cannot be changed with the mentality of picking up. Such a mentality will help us find inner peace and enjoy every moment.

In short, no matter what you face, you should deal with it with a relaxed attitude. Don’t care too much about the results and other people’s opinions. Focus on the action itself. This will gain inner peace.

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/0lxnPoGJ/

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