All psychological tests

Test how attractive you are in the eyes of the opposite sex

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Values are everyone's thinking and sense of whether things are beautiful. Different people have different aesthetics of things. There are always some people in life who are highly sought after by the opposite sex, while some are unknown. So how valuable are you in the eyes of the opposite sex? Let's take a psychological test to see how much attention you receive from the opposite sex in interperso...

Fun test: Test how easily you can be plotted by others

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
In fact, human nature has weaknesses. The reason why people have weaknesses is that they are affected by their own emotions. Sometimes in the face of trust, they are easily exploited because they have lowered their inner defenses. In fact, all people who are short-sighted are kind. of. Everyone has weaknesses, but after receiving a lesson, you must learn to learn from it and keep an eye on everyth...

Are you the boss of your circle of friends?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
If a person can become the boss among friends, it means that his words have the most weight in the circle of friends. Such people generally have strong leadership skills, and their friends think what they say is trustworthy. Not everyone has the ability to convince others. Improve some small flaws in how you treat people and make you more popular in your circle of friends. Let's take an ability te...

Test who you have a tacit understanding of spiritually with

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
Some of my friends are rich in knowledge, some have superb personalities, and some are 'excellent in both character and academics' and are like model students. Unfortunately, they all lack a sense of humor and are not lively. You always feel that there is a hole in him that has not been opened, so it is impossible to suddenly understand. Talking to him is not like playing ball, where you come and ...

Do you think there are more people who like you than people who hate you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 2
I know that everyone has a mirror in their heart and sees everyone differently. I also know that everyone has their own little heart, there are people who want to be nice to them, there are people who don’t want to deal with them, there are people who make you feel bad when you see them, and there are also people who fall in love at first sight, see you again Qingcheng, every time you see them The...

Test how wary you are

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Because it is essential to be on guard against others, everyone in today's social life will be wary because they lack a sense of security. A simple choice can reveal your true inner thoughts. This is the magical charm of testing. Want to know how alert you are in interpersonal interactions? Please complete the following test.

Test whether you need a male bestie

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
According to their respective circumstances, 'blue-faced confidants' can be divided into: the mentor type, the confidant type, the type who can become a woman's occasional playmate when she is lonely; or the 'male bestie' type who is suspected of being in love with her ex-boyfriend. What type of male bestie do you need? Just do a little test and you'll find out.

Test how you treat your friends’ hypocrisy

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
Rely on your parents at home and your friends outside. Friends are always the warmest presence in our hearts. Everyone has his or her unforgettable best friend, and how lucky he is to meet him in his lifetime. But no one can see through the other person's heart at a glance. You can be 100% sure of your friendship for the other person, but you will never know the other person's true thoughts. In so...

Test: Do you know how to exercise restraint when interacting with others?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
From a macro perspective, interacting with people is an inevitable thing in social life. There is a famous saying that distance creates beauty, so can you master this distance that makes people beautiful? This has to make people think. In the process of interacting with people, different people have different distances from each other due to their different personalities. At this time, you have to...

Will your good sisters betray you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
Some people say that women's friendships are inherently less trustworthy, not as deep as men's friendships, and can easily break down completely over trivial matters. Things like losing your lover to your best friend or betraying him are already common things nowadays. No one wants this to happen to them. It also depends on the sister you trust. It's not worth it. So will your good sister betray y...

Take a test to see which aspect of your life is most likely to attract villains

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 2
There are noble friends who accompany us on the road of growth, and the existence of villains is naturally indispensable. It is precisely because of the interference of villains that they bring many troubles and troubles to our lives. Moreover, there may be villains in different areas of life. For example, some people always encounter villains in relationships, and their relationships are divided ...

Test how inferior you are in your truest heart

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 3
'Inferiority complex' can easily make people overly sensitive and have high self-esteem; they lack courage in doing things, are timid, go along with others, and have no independent opinions; when they encounter problems, they think it is their own fault. It is easy to lose the courage and confidence to interact with others. It can be said: Inferiority is our biggest obstacle to happiness.

Take a test to see if you have easily offended others recently

How are your daily relationships like? How is your relationship with the people around you? Do you often cause others to misunderstand you, or even have some negative emotions towards you or act harshly on you because of some of your words? In fact, those who have the evil spirit in their natal chart can easily offend others. If they are not careful, they can easily provoke villains. Today, Teache...

Test whether you are surrounded by many villains or noble people

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
As social animals, humans always encounter a mixed crowd of all kinds of people in their lives. So how many dragons and how many worms are there in the crowd you encounter? To a certain extent, it is related to your environment, but within your control, it is related to your choice. What kind of person will you choose? Take a fun test to see if you meet more noble people or villains in your life.

How do you tell when someone is lying?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes 1
Some people say that you lie because you care about someone. This cannot be said as it is completely wrong. But being deceived for unfair reasons makes me feel uncomfortable inside. Take a comprehensive test, how do you tell when someone is lying? Or are you more insightful into people's hearts? No matter what, it would be good if you could be more aware of the scams around you.

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