'Reality' related psychological assessment

psychological test
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Fun test: Desert Island Survival Test: What type of professional are you?

In the ocean of the workplace, everyone is a sailing ship. But when a storm comes and your cruise ship hits the rocks, how will you survive? This psychological test will take you into a hypothetical situation and reveal your true face in the workplace through your choices. Choose a way of survival and see what type of office worker you will be in the desert island survival in the workplace? Cli...

Test your workplace literacy by eating an apple

Studies have shown that the taste of green apple can help eliminate anxiety, make people with mental depression feel relaxed and happy, and their depression disappears. Another study found that smelling apples relieved subjects' headaches. Researchers speculate that this may be because the taste of apples can relax people's head and neck muscles. But do you know how you usually eat apples? You c...

Test your tactfulness in dealing with things

Test your tact in dealing with people. People who are more tactful in dealing with others can have both ends of the spectrum, both at work and in life. After being polished by society, we are more or less forced to accept and learn the lessons of human nature and sophistication. But this does not require us to wear a mask to treat others, but to try to avoid friction so that both parties can live ...

Can you make a lot of money from your hobby?

As we grow up, we face more and more choices, between rational and emotional choices, between reality and ideals, etc. When your hobbies, ideals and real conditions do not allow it, will you choose to stick to what you want to do? Or will you succumb to reality and give up your ideal hobbies? Wondering if you can make serious money from your hobby? Come and test it out!

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