Popular tags: subconscious

psychological test
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Relieve stress by talking to dreams

Mental/Health 2 1 minute
Most people have the experience of dreaming. But why do we dream? What does the situation in the dream mean? The number of dreams and the memory of dreams actually have a very strange relationship with your subconscious and even the real environment! Let’s explore these mysterious dream languages together!

Psychological test: What is your favorite weather? Find out what you are subconsciously avoiding

Mental/Health 3 1 minute 1
Psychology's greatest contributor to the study of the subconscious must pay tribute to the great psychologist Freud! Freud used his unique psychoanalytic method to paint a three-dimensional psychological structure diagram for us. He believed that traditional psychology is only the surface layer of psychology, that is, the consciousness layer, and there are still other things in the psychological s...

What can make a man reveal his erotic subconscious?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute
In the country of love, men and women come from different worlds, and maintaining an intimate relationship requires careful understanding. Don’t say you don’t understand. In fact, men have revealed their subconscious desires. Deep in his heart, every man has 'passionate fantasies' that excite him, especially the temptation in clothing, which will detonate the most primitive impulse in his heart. ...

What's missing from your successful tactics?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 1
If you want to get rich and succeed, you must cultivate your high quality in many aspects. However, we are not all versatile, and there are always some unsatisfactory shortcomings. How far are you from success? What other abilities do you need to cross the threshold of success? Please take this quiz and it will tell you the answer.

Psychological Test: Will you be happy in the future?

Love/Relationship 4 1 minute
When we talk about happiness, we tend to fall into a state of deep contemplation. It is a kind of inner satisfaction, a positive evaluation of life, and a goal that everyone pursues. Happiness is not a simple concept, but a complex psychological state that is affected by many factors. In this fast-paced world, we often ignore our inner needs. We pursue material success, social status, money, and ...

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