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Should you be lovers or friends?

Love/Relationship 1 1 minute
The distance between friendship and lovers is always so subtle but cannot be stated clearly. If they really cross the boundary, they may suffer each other, but if they clearly have each other in their hearts but are unwilling to destroy the ambiguous feeling, it will be too hurtful. Should you be lovers or friends?

What would you do if your lover cheated on you?

family/marriage 2 2 minute
Some couples live an ordinary life and feel it is boring, but the hero and heroine of the film and television are in love with their lover, making waves, living a life of flavor, freedom and ease. I also want to experience this kind of life, so in this curious way, Driven by the heart, extramarital affairs occur. Some people believe that one should enjoy themselves while they are still alive, so ...

What would you eat first when you take your first bite of hot pot? What is the first impression you make on others?

Character/Personality 1 1 minute 2
From the first time you meet someone, you want to quickly understand who they are as a person. So you will pay special attention to whether he has some stable characteristics, such as honesty, kindness, intelligence, etc. These qualities can help you decide if you want to move forward with him or her. What would you eat first when you take your first bite of hot pot? What is the first impressio...

Test your personality tendencies

Character/Personality 1 1 minute 13
Everyone has their own tendencies and hobbies, including personality and tendencies. People generally have dual personalities, one is born and the other is cultivated, and the two are generally complementary. For example, as a marketing director, a dual personality can better deal with all kinds of people. But when we read biographies of famous people, or return to our lives, we will also find t...

Choose your bestie

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 1
As the saying goes: 'To have a close friend in life, death is enough.' This shows how important close friends are. However, sometimes we mistake bad friends for confidants, so we must choose friends who are truly worthy of our hearts.

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