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jealousy level test

Life/hobbies 2 1 minute 1
There will always be some jealousy at work or in daily life, and sometimes it will become a motivation. But if you don't master it carefully, it will become a negative emotion of hate, then you have to start to pay attention to regulating yourself, otherwise, failure will always follow you in the workplace. To test your jealousy, click the start button below to enter the test.

How jealous are you?

Mental/Health 2 1 minute
Some people say: 'Love is blind.' In fact, jealousy is blind, so there is a Jewish saying: 'Jealousy has a thousand pairs of eyes.' There is another saying: 'Love is blind, but jealousy is worse than blindness, because it can't even see the east.' Are you a jealous person? How jealous are you?

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