'age' related psychological assessment

psychological test
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Psychological Test: Test your mental age in the workplace

After working hard in the workplace for so long, I have seen everything I need to see in the world, and I have never stopped experiencing the hardships I need to experience. Many people feel that they are not going well in the workplace, but they do not know that 'emotional intelligence is a flaw'. Emotional intelligence can be understood as a person's psychological maturity in the workplace. How ...

What is your brain age?

测试介绍 Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 1
Everyone's age is like a memory, which records all your glory, pain, happiness and sadness. Age is a reflection of a person's success, but also a reflection of a person's sadness. If you want to have active thinking and a photographic memory, you need to have a young enough brain. So, how old is your brain? Let’s take some IQ test questions now!

Vascular Age Test

Without careful observation, it is difficult for people to find out whether their blood vessels are healthy, and it will be too late to pay attention until problems occur. American cardiovascular and cerebrovascular experts have developed a simple method to help you self-test your blood vessels.

Which age group of men are you suitable to marry?

Marriage is different from falling in love. Marriage is the most important thing in a person's life. But it's different when you're in love. There is no need to worry about the age issue, but when it comes to marriage, you must not reconsider the age of the other party. Too young to have it, too old to have it either. However, the ones that suit you are not based on your own preferences. Some are...

Test your psychological maturity

测试介绍 Mental/Health 4 4 Minutes 16
Psychological maturity refers to a person's willingness and motivation to do something. Subordinates with high psychological maturity have strong self-confidence and are proactive in their work. They do not need too many external incentives and mainly rely on internal motivation. On the contrary, employees’ work tasks and role responsibilities should be stipulated. Psychological maturity is a man...

Mental Age Test: How old are you internally?

测试介绍 Mental/Health 5 1 Minutes 51
Mental age refers to the difference between a person's level of mental and emotional development and his or her chronological age. Mental age is often used to describe a person's mental and emotional maturity and is not entirely related to their biological or legal age. A person's mental age may be higher or lower than a person's chronological age, depending on the individual's experiences, enviro...

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