
Professional personality test

HLWP Love Personality Test

Love/Relationship 40 4 Minutes 20
HLWP Love Personality Test
Test which love personality type you are in HLWP? Psychologists have divided human personality into four basic types, namely 'lively type' (H), 'power type' (L), 'perfect type' (W), and 'peaceful type' (P). 1. H-type love personality (lively type): This kind of person is usually lively and changeable, and likes artistic and sensual things. Love often lasts only three minutes, and love comes and g...

Psychological test: What is the personality color hidden deep in your heart?

Mental/Health 20 5 Minutes 14
Psychological test: What is the personality color hidden deep in your heart?
Want to know what is the personality color hidden deep inside you? Each color represents our unique emotions and experiences. For example, red may represent your passion and courage, while blue may reflect your wisdom and calmness. But, have you ever wondered what the color of your inner world is? Red: Symbolizes enthusiasm, passion, fighting spirit, and confidence. Yellow: Symbolizes vitality,...

Sigma Male Level Test

Character/Personality 20 2 Minutes 8
Sigma Male Level Test
Sigma Male (Sigma Male) generally refers to independent, self-disciplined men who do not pursue or please the opposite sex and respect everyone. He is considered a 'high-quality man' because he is different from the mainstream social values and appears full of personality, and is regarded as a 'lone wolf'. These qualities make them high-quality individuals who are unsociable, highly independent, h...

ABO Gender Pheromone Test

Character/Personality 25 2 Minutes 147
ABO Gender Pheromone Test
Welcome to the ABO Gender Pheromone Test! Are you curious about your status and behavioral characteristics in society and groups? ABO gender pheromone is an interesting psychological test, originating from the setting of European and American fan circles. The concept of ABO originates from animal behavior (Ethology). In the animal kingdom, the classic example of the ABO worldview is the social c...

MBTI professional personality assessment 145 questions professional version free online test

Character/Personality 50 1 Minutes 322
MBTI professional personality assessment 145 questions professional version free online test
Welcome to our free online test! With this comprehensive test, you'll learn about your career personality type and gain valuable insights into which career paths are right for you. We have prepared a professional version of the MBTI Professional Personality Assessment for you, which contains 145 questions and is designed to comprehensively assess your personality characteristics and preferences. ...

Free MBTI test 72 questions classic version

Character/Personality 50 5 Minutes 286
Free MBTI test 72 questions classic version
Explore your inner personality and the ways you understand yourself with PsycTest's free MBTI Personality Test Regular Edition! This version is a comprehensive and detailed test consisting of 72 questions to help you gain a deeper understanding of your personality type. MBTI, short for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, is a widely used psychological measurement tool designed to assess people's persona...

MBTI Type 16 Personality Free Online Test | 28 Questions Simple Version

Character/Personality 50 4 Minutes 181
MBTI Type 16 Personality Free Online Test | 28 Questions Simple Version
MBTI is a personality test classification index. It is a personality assessment test proposed by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katharine Cook Briggs in 1942 after long-term research based on Swiss psychologist Carl Jung's book 'Psychological Types'. The MBTI is a widely used psychological tool that helps people understand their behavioral patterns, preferences, and how they interact with oth...

Maladaptive Narcissism Scale MNS Online Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 1 Minutes 3
Maladaptive Narcissism Scale MNS Online Test | Free
Narcissism is a psychological illness and a personality disorder. What we call 'narcissism' in daily life has a different definition in psychology. Narcissism refers to an individual using the image of his own body as a sexual object. His sexual orientation is sexual, and he is himself, and he has a strong sexual desire for his own image. Usually the object of sexual desire is a mirror image, a ph...

Adaptive Narcissism Scale ANS Online Test | Free

Character/Personality 5 1 Minutes
Adaptive Narcissism Scale ANS Online Test | Free
The Adaptive Narcissism Scale (ANS) is a psychometric tool used to measure adaptive narcissism. Adaptive narcissism refers to a tendency of self-evaluation, including pride in oneself, self-confidence in oneself, recognition of one's own merits and sense of accomplishment, while maintaining the ability to pay appropriate attention to and respect others. Although the word narcissism often has nega...

Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version

Character/Personality 15 1 Minutes 10
Narcissistic Personality Professional Psychometric Inventory Free Online Test | NPI-16 Short Version
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) is a commonly used psychometric tool to measure narcissistic personality traits. Originally developed by Raskin and Hall in 1979 with some revisions and improvements. Among them, NPI-16 is a simplified version of NPI, proposed by Ames, Rose and Anderson in 2006. The NPI-16 is a 16-item scale designed to measure an individual's tendency toward narcissis...

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