WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test

WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test

Workplace/career 40 4 Minutes 67

The WVI Career Values Test is a classic test compiled by American psychologist Schuber in 1970. It is designed to measure the importance an individual attaches to the intrinsic and extrinsic values and motivating factors of work. Methods for testing values and motivators. It divides professional values into three dimensions: intrinsic values, extrinsic values and extrinsic rewards.

  1. Intrinsic values: Intrinsic values are related to the nature of the profession itself. It focuses on the degree to which an individual attaches importance to the intrinsic characteristics of the job. These intrinsic values may include satisfaction with work content, pursuit of challenges and growth, development of professional skills, etc.

  2. Extrinsic values: Extrinsic values involve external factors related to the nature of the profession, such as social status, economic rewards, social communication, etc. Individuals may focus on the social status or recognition their job gives them, their compensation packages, and their interactions and cooperation with others.

  3. Extrinsic rewards: The extrinsic rewards dimension includes 13 factors, including altruism, beauty, intellectual stimulation, sense of accomplishment, independence, social status, management, economic rewards, social communication, security, comfort, interpersonal relationships, and Variability or the pursuit of novelty. These factors reflect the importance an individual attaches to various rewards and motivational factors at work.

Through the WVI Career Values Test, you can better understand your career values, including the importance you place on the intrinsic and extrinsic factors of work, as well as your inclination towards different extrinsic reward factors. This will help you better choose a career path that suits you, clarify your personal career goals, and seek satisfaction and fulfillment in career development.

In modern society, our career choices and work attitudes are often closely related to our personal values. Understanding our professional values can help us better understand ourselves and find a career path that is consistent with personal goals and meaning.

In this test, you will be asked to evaluate the importance of these factors in your personal professional values. Please choose the answer that best suits your personal views based on your own actual feelings. Please note that there is no right or wrong and everyone’s values are unique. We hope that through this test, we can help you better understand your professional values and provide you with some valuable references for your career development.

Make sure to test in a quiet, distraction-free environment to answer the questions as truthfully as possible. The test contains a series of descriptions and statements. Please choose the option that best suits your point of view based on your actual situation. Remember, the purpose of this test is to help you understand yourself better, so answer the questions as accurately as possible.

After completing the test, you will receive a detailed results report, which will explain the importance of your professional values in different dimensions and provide some personalized suggestions for your career planning and development.

Now, get ready to start this fun and rewarding journey! Let’s explore your professional values together!

In the process of career value analysis and determination, individuals must handle the relationship between different elements of career values and clarify their core career needs according to different periods and situations in order to reasonably formulate their own career plans and related strategies.

Note: This test is a professional values test scale test. There are 52 questions in total, representing twelve work values. Each question has 5 alternative answers. Please choose only one answer for each question based on your actual situation or ideas. Answer: Through the test, you can roughly understand your professional values and tendencies.

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