WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test

WVI Schuber Career Values Free Online Test

Through the WVI Career Values Test, you can gain an in-depth understanding of the internal and external values you value at work, helping you clarify your career goals and optimize your career planning. This test covers three dimensions: intrinsic values, extrinsic values and extrinsic rewards, helping you identify the career path that best suits you. Through 52 simple and easy questions, you can get personalized career advice and improve your career satisfaction and sense of accomplishment. Start your free online test now and start your career planning journey!

The WVI Work Values Inventory is a classic assessment tool compiled by American psychologist Super in 1970. It is designed to assess the importance an individual attaches to intrinsic and extrinsic values at work, as well as the motivational factors. tendency. WVI Career Values Assessment helps you deeply understand your attitudes and needs towards work, thereby providing an important reference for career planning.

Introduction to WVI Career Values Test

The WVI Career Values Test (also called the WVI Work Values Questionnaire or WVI Career Values Assessment) helps you identify the core needs and values of your career by assessing the different dimensions that individuals value in their career. The test analyzes three key dimensions:

  1. Intrinsic Values: This dimension mainly focuses on the intrinsic characteristics of the work itself. You may pay attention to the satisfaction of work content, work challenges and personal growth, and the improvement of professional skills. These factors reflect your interest and pursuit of the career itself.

  2. Extrinsic values: Extrinsic values involve external factors related to career, such as financial rewards, social status, working environment, social interactions, etc. These factors reflect the importance you attach to external rewards at work, such as salary packages, social recognition, relationships with colleagues, etc.

  3. Extrinsic rewards: This dimension involves 13 specific extrinsic reward factors, including altruism, beauty, intellectual stimulation, sense of achievement, independence, social status, economic rewards, social communication, etc. It helps you understand which external motivators are more attractive and important to you.

Why take the WVI Career Values Test?

Understanding your professional values is crucial to developing a career plan. The WVI Career Values Test not only helps you identify your career tendencies, it also helps you:

  • Clarify your career goals and core needs.
  • Choose the career path that suits you best.
  • Optimize working environment and career development strategies.
  • Improve career development satisfaction and sense of achievement.

How to Know Your Career Values with the WVI Test

The WVI Career Values Test consists of 52 questions covering 12 core work values. Each question has five alternative answers, and test takers need to choose the answer that best suits their own opinions based on their actual situation. The goal of the WVI test is to help you identify your professional values and make more reasonable plans for future career choices and career development based on this information.

Test steps:

  1. Choose a quiet, distraction-free environment for testing to ensure you can answer each question truthfully and accurately.
  2. Based on your actual situation, choose the answer to each question that best suits your point of view. Remember, there is no “right or wrong” answer to this test, it just helps you understand yourself.
  3. After completing the test, you will receive a detailed results report, which will analyze your emphasis on different career value dimensions and provide personalized career advice.

WVI Test Official Portal: Start your free online test

Now, you can take a free professional values test through the WVI Professional Values Test official website. The test questions are accurate and scientific, and can help you comprehensively evaluate your professional values.

In modern society, career choice is closely related to personal values. Through the WVI Career Values Test, you can not only understand how much you value your work, but also provide strong support for your career planning. Understand yourself, find the career path that best suits you, and make your career more meaningful and fulfilling.

Take the WVI Career Values Test now to explore your career values and start a new chapter in your career development! Click the start button below to enter the WVI test official website entrance and start exploring your professional values!

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