'mati' related tests

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Test whether you are a well-rounded workplace expert?

Good interpersonal relationships must be found in the practice of interpersonal relationships. Avoiding interpersonal relationships and trying to get the friendship of others can only be a fish in the woods, and it is impossible to achieve the ideal goal. In fact, being popular is sometimes better than being wealthy. So how do you achieve everything? To your boss respect first and then get along...

Picture test: TAT Thematic Apperception Test, how deeply do you hide yourself?

TAT Thematic Apperception Test, the full English name is Thematic Apperception Test, is a projective personal test invented by American psychologist Henry Murray in 1935. TAT inspires test subjects to project their inner fantasies and mental activities through sketch images, and inadvertently becomes an X-ray showing the test subject's heart and self. At present, TAT is also one of the more comm...

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