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Detailed explanation of the Rokeach Values Survey (RVS) test: 36 values to help you find your life direction and see your inner pursuits (with detailed interpretation methods)

Detailed explanation of the Rokeach Values Survey (RVS) test: 36 values to help you find your life direction and see your inner pursuits (with detailed interpretation methods)
At critical moments in life, we often need to face questions like: 'What is most important to me?', 'How should I make important choices in life?', 'How can I live a more meaningful life?' '. As a scientific psychological measurement tool, the Rokeach Values Survey (RVS for short, also translated as the Rokeach Value Scale or the Rokeach Value Scale) is an important guide to help us find the answe...

Interpretation of the results of 8Values Political tendency and Ideological Test: Neoconservatism

Interpretation of the results of 8Values Political tendency and Ideological Test: Neoconservatism
In the official 8 values political tendency ideological test provided by the PsycTest platform's thought verification area, users can understand their political values and ideological positioning by answering a series of questions. The 8 values test provided by PsycTest is not just a simple self-assessment tool. It can help users to have a clearer understanding of their position in the political s...

10 useful ideas from 'Harvard Happiness Course'

How to improve happiness? Harvard professor shares 10 practical tips Happiness is the eternal pursuit of human beings, but how to improve happiness? In his 'Harvard Happiness Course', Harvard professor Tal Ben-Shahar shared 10 very useful ideas to help us find the secret to happiness. Accept your own imperfections. We are all human beings, not gods. We have flaws and we make mistakes. This is no...

'Harvard Happiness Course' teaches you how to improve your happiness

What is happiness? This is an old and timeless question, and everyone may have a different answer. However, there are some scientific studies and practices that can help us better understand and improve our happiness. 'Harvard Happiness Course' is one such course. It was established by Harvard University psychology professor Tal Ben-Shahar. It has attracted more than 1,400 students to take it and ...

Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Surface Area (BSA) Online Calculator

Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Surface Area (BSA) Online Calculator
Use the online calculator for body mass index and surface area to quickly calculate your body mass index (BMI) and surface area (BSA) with one click to help you understand your physical health and grasp whether your weight is reasonable and whether your surface area is normal. What is BMI and body surface area? BMI is the Body Mass Index (Body Mass Index), referred to as the body mass index. It ...

What should you do if you feel nervous during a job interview?

In the process of finding a job, the interview is a very critical step. It is not only an important way to understand the job seeker, but also an important method for the company to screen suitable talents. However, during the interview process, many people will feel nervous to varying degrees, because the result of the interview will determine whether the applicant can be hired. Today, let’s talk...

True interpretation of MBTI personality type: ESTJ - Supervisor

MBTI personality type: ESTJ Supervisor ESTJs are hard-working traditionalists who desire to take charge of organizational projects and people. They are methodical, rule-abiding, conscientious, and tend to approach projects in a systematic, methodical manner. !ESTJ ESTJ personality type ESTJs are consummate organizers and want to bring structure to their surroundings. They value predictability ...

ISFJ Gemini: The balance between conservative and dynamic

ISFJ Geminis are quite an interesting combination. They often have a strong attention to detail and rules, but also possess the energy and curiosity of Gemini. They are good at management and organization, and good at getting along with others, but they can sometimes be too conservative and reserved. They place a strong emphasis on family and relationships, but also need freedom and independence. ...

ISTJ Sagittarius: Pragmatic conservatism and freedom seeker

ISTJ Sagittarius people have a firm, rigorous, and serious personality, and they also have the Sagittarius traits of pursuing freedom and strong curiosity. They are conservatives who focus on freedom and pragmatism. ISTJ Sagittarius people attach great importance to pragmatism and freedom. They have strong logical thinking and analytical skills, and are able to consider various factors in decisio...

8Values Political tendency and ideological test results interpretation: Moderate conservatism

8Values Political tendency and ideological test results interpretation: Moderate conservatism
8values Political Prone Test is an online testing tool used to measure individual political values. The test analyzes users' political stances based on eight core dimensions and classifies them into 52 different ideologies. If you are interested in your political spectrum positioning, you can experience the complete 8 values for free on PsycTest official website (psychtest.cn). Click the 8values t...

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