'CareerAnchor职业锚测试' related test

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Career Planning Test: Schein Career Anchor Questionnaire Free Online Test

测试介绍 Workplace/career 50 4 Minutes 20
Career Planning Test: Schein Career Anchor Questionnaire Free Online Test
Success and satisfaction in our careers often stem from a deep understanding of our career goals and motivations. Edgar H. Schein, a famous American career guidance expert and professor at MIT Sloan School of Business, proposed the Career Anchors theory through 12 years of research. Personal career planning provides a powerful framework. Through long-term follow-up research on 44 MBA graduates fro...

Holland Career Interest Test: A complete 90-question self-test to find the career direction that best suits you

测试介绍 Workplace/career 50 4 Minutes 189
Holland Career Interest Test: A complete 90-question self-test to find the career direction that best suits you
The Holland Career Interest Test (Self-Directed Search, SDS) is a self-assessment tool compiled by John Holland, a famous American career guidance expert. The test is based on Holland's Theory of Vocational Interests and is designed to help users choose the most appropriate career path based on personal interests and career types. By understanding the relevant content of the Holland Vocational Tes...

Picture psychological test: What kind of mother would you be?

This psychological test drives everyone crazy, but most importantly it attracts a lot of women, moms and future moms. What is it really about? Read on and you'll find out. At the same time we can tell you that there is no right or wrong answer, the important thing is to be honest with yourself. This is a visual psychology test based on an image containing several optical illusions created by the ...

Career test: In which area can your leadership skills be most easily demonstrated?

Each of us will have more or less leadership skills. Some people’s leadership skills are reflected in the organizational ability between people. Some people are very talented in overall command. Some people are very talented in capital operations and numbers. Sensitive thinking is very strong, so in which area can your leadership skills be most easily reflected?

Career Test: Are You Suitable to Be a Freelancer?

Freelancing seems to be unfettered and free, but in fact freelancing tests a person's self-control. If you don't have strong self-discipline, you will only live in confusion day and night, and you will not be able to control your life at all. Freelancers need to have certain professional skills, sales and promotion abilities, negotiation abilities, contract performance abilities, reflection and ...

Career Peak Test: What height will your career reach?

If the orange grows in Huainan, it becomes tangerine, and if it grows in the north of Huaihe, it becomes tangerine. Similarly, a person's achievements vary greatly under different circumstances. In the workplace, if you fail to find your best position, you may end up going in the wrong direction and your hero will be useless. As the saying goes, people go to higher places and water flows to lower...

Career test: Which career in the workplace are you not suitable for?

Time flies, no matter we are young chicks who have just entered the workplace, or are veteran professionals, are you satisfied with your current job? Which job do you think is more suitable for you? Many people still regret their original choices after working for ten or twenty years. They feel that they have wasted time on unsatisfactory jobs and missed many opportunities. Many people are busy a...

Choose plastic surgery areas to test your personality

Are you satisfied with your appearance? A little dissatisfied. In fact, everyone has this idea. Nature is so unfair. After giving us a delicate figure, it always gives us a face that is not outstanding. After giving us a delicate face, it always gives us a face that is not outstanding. Give us elephant legs. Have you ever thought about having plastic surgery to make yourself more beautiful? If gi...

Career Test: Test your best career direction

Time passes quietly, and you may still be content with the status quo, or you may be looking for a new exit. No matter you are thirty and entering middle age, or you are a fresh graduate, you will make some plans for yourself. We live in this world, and you can be the most ordinary person among all living beings, or you can be the bravest person despite all obstacles. The road is at your feet, Go...

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