Mediator Personality (INFP, Mediator Personality) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `I` stands for introversion, `N` stands for intuition, `F` stands for emotion, and `P` stands for dependence.
Mediator personalities tend to be quiet, open-minded and imaginative, taking a caring and creative approach to everything they do.
Although they may appear quiet or unassuming,...
Learn how to live in harmony with your roommates based on your MBTI type, avoid conflicts, and improve your quality of life. This article combines MBTI personality tests to help you live better with people of different personalities.
In Jean Paul Sartre’s drama Hell is Others , he writes: “Hell is Others.” Sometimes, living with a roommate can really make people feel this way. Everyone gets alon...
MBTI Personality Type: ESFP – Entertainer
ESFPs are lively entertainers who captivate and inspire those around them. They are spontaneous, energetic and fun-loving, and are also very interested in things around them, such as food, clothing, nature and animals, especially people.
ESFP Personality Type
ESFPs are typically warm, talkative, and enthusiastic about life. They like to be at the...