'我应该修哪种指甲?' related tests

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Are you a pleaser? 26 questions to test your true personality!

Are you a pleaser? 26 questions to test your true personality!
Do you often find it difficult to say no to others? Are you always worried that your words or decisions will make others unhappy? Or, you clearly want to express your opinion, but you are always afraid of being rejected and choose to remain silent? If you have ever had such confusion, you may have a certain tendency to please others. What is a pleaser personality? A pleaser personality is a beh...

Kely Inventory of Sexual Shame (KISS) full version online test

Test introduction Mental/Health 20 30 1 Minutes 12
Kely Inventory of Sexual Shame (KISS) full version online test
PsycTest (psyctest.cn) provides you with the professional Kely Sexual Shame Scale (original 20-question full version) online test to help you understand your level of sexual shame. This test is based on the KISS scale, a professional psychological research study. It evaluates your sexual feelings and experiences and provides you with personalized analysis. Understanding sexual shame and moving tow...

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