'女生专测:没有男人你会死吗?' related blog posts

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What would you do if you disagree with the other party during communication? Teach you a trick to avoid quarrels and win trust!

What would you do if you disagree with the other party during communication? Have you ever encountered a situation like this? When you are communicating with others, you find that the other person's point of view is completely different from yours. You think what he said is very unreasonable, and you want to refute him immediately, or argue with him, or even quarrel? If you have such an experienc...

Are you doing the right thing about security and trust in love? Six ways to make your relationship more stable and lasting

Security and trust are the cornerstones of relationships. Without these two things, relationships will falter. Therefore, we need to provide our significant other with more security while also trusting them. Below we will share six ways to make lovers feel more at ease. These ways can make our relationship last longer. Free online psychological test: Test your sense of security, test address: htt...

Can you be your ideal self by the age of 30?

Learn about six things that women deserve to accomplish before they turn 30, from language learning to developing healthy habits, so that they can live a more regret-free life in the future! Even if they have entered their 30s, some people will still sigh when they dream back at midnight: If they had worked harder, would their life now be better? By observing the women around you who have achiev...

Can you still be friends with your ex after a breakup? |Teach you how to say goodbye rationally and break up with warmth

Have you ever had the experience that after you and your lover broke up, you still wanted to keep in touch with him/her or be friends again? Do you feel that breaking up is a very sad thing and you don’t know how to face it? Are you worried that a breakup will affect your life and work? If you have these confusions, then please continue reading. I will tell you how to correctly deal with the sepa...

Is your social battery still charged? Come find out if you are suffering from social fatigue!

Social fatigue, are you suffering from it? Irritated, tired, and don’t want to talk to anyone? Don’t worry, we are here to reveal to you the culprit of this unhappiness! Come and take a look at these five tips to easily get rid of social fatigue and re-energize your life! What is social fatigue? Social fatigue means that you consume too much energy in the process of getting along with others, c...

Five-ball philosophy of life, are you playing it right?

Each of us is a clown, playing with these five balls in our life: family, work, health, friends and soul. Among the five balls, only the work ball is made of rubber and will bounce back when smashed. The other four balls are made of glass and will never recover after being smashed. This sentence sounds very philosophical and very realistic. Each of us is going through different stages of life, c...

Are you caught among the top ten obstacles to career development?

In the workplace, we all hope to successfully achieve our goals, gain recognition from our bosses and colleagues, and enhance our value and status. However, sometimes we encounter difficulties and setbacks, and are even hindered by seemingly insignificant details. These details may be our own behavior or attitude, or it may be our communication or cooperation with others. If we do not discover and...

do you know? Your depression may have something to do with your gut! Something called probiotics can change your mood!

do you know? Your depression may have something to do with your gut! Something called probiotics can change your mood!
Depression is a common psychological problem that affects more than 17 million adults and 3.2 million adolescents in the United States, all of whom suffer from severe depression. For these people, finding effective treatments is not easy. Fortunately, scientists are exploring some new avenues aimed at getting people with depression back on their feet faster and with fewer side effects. Right now,...

Have you ever encountered the three paradoxes of life choices?

Life is a series of choices, and each choice affects our future and happiness. However, many times when we make choices, we do not have enough knowledge and experience to support us, but make decisions in a state of uncertainty and blindness. This leads to three paradoxes in life choices, leaving us confused and helpless. The three paradoxes are: 1. Professional Paradox: At the age of 18, I was a...

Agitated Depression: A Neglected Mood Disorder, Do You Know It?

Agitated Depression: A Neglected Mood Disorder, Do You Know It?
Agitation depression (AD) is a special type of depression that, in addition to low mood, is also accompanied by psychomotor agitation and escape from thoughts. Patients with this disorder often exhibit uneasiness, irritability, impulsivity, hostility and other behaviors, which seriously affect their quality of life and social functions. Agitation depression is closely associated with bipolar disor...

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