INFP Taurus friends! Imagine if you were a dreamy, gentle and stubborn Taurus, and at the same time a dreamer and idealist INFP, what kind of combination would that be? Let’s explore it together!
INFP’s dream world
INFPs, known as “mediators,” are true dreamers. Their inner world is rich and colorful, full of ideals and fantasies. It's like there is a little magical world hidden in their hearts,...
When INFP meets Aries, he is like a poet who is full of dreams and suddenly decides to put on his armor and conquer the world! 🌟
INFP, this personality type is known as the 'Mediator'. They are true idealists, always looking for that perfect world. Deep inside them lives a gentle soul who is always eager to help others and is a true dreamer.
And Aries (Aries), ah, this is a sign full of energy a...
Want to quickly understand your personality traits? The MBTI Type 16 personality test is an excellent tool for exploring oneself. Now, the free MBTI test is provided through the official website of PsycTest to help everyone understand themselves better.
MBTI, or the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, divides personality into four dimensions, each dimension has two preferences, and combines it to form s...
A U-shaped reversal in middle age! 7 micro-skills to help you restart your life
Do you think middle age means career trough and life decline? wrong! Do you want to know what is the secret weapon for U-shaped reversal in middle age? See how these 7 micro-skills can help you redefine your life!
Micro-skill 1: Learn to spot lies
Who is lying in the workplace? This is an important question because ...
Hello everyone, this is PsycTest, which focuses on providing free online psychological tests. Today we are going to talk about the best CP combination in MBTI: INFP+ENFJ.
Do you know why they are the best CP? Do you want to know their relationship mode and sweetness index? Be sure to watch until the end!
INFP and ENFJ are idealists in MBTI. They both have rich imaginations, full of faith in huma...
Decision-making is a problem we face every day. Whether at work or in life, we need to make the most appropriate decision among various options. However, decision-making is not an easy task. Many people will encounter difficulties and challenges when making decisions, and even pay a heavy price for wrong decisions. So, how do you become a good decision-maker? Here, I share 10 decision-making princ...
Have you ever wanted to understand your own personality traits to better control your career, relationships, and even romantic relationships? The MBTI personality test can help you do this.
PsycTest provides free versions of Free MBTI Personality Test with different number of questions, allowing you to better understand your personality characteristics and development direction. Now, we have crea...
Have you ever had this experience: Sometimes you show behaviors or thoughts that are not quite consistent with your usual personality traits? For example, INTJ, who is usually introvert, rational and innovative, has become extrovert, emotional, traditional, and even a bit nonsensical at some moments. These characteristics that are opposite to the main personality are the shadow functional personal...
Use the online calculator for body mass index and surface area to quickly calculate your body mass index (BMI) and surface area (BSA) with one click to help you understand your physical health and grasp whether your weight is reasonable and whether your surface area is normal.
What is BMI and body surface area?
BMI is the Body Mass Index (Body Mass Index), referred to as the body mass index. It ...
Learn about the unique advantages of 16 MBTI personality types and learn how to draw wisdom from each type in order to improve yourself and communicate better with others. With the free MBTI personality test, you can gain insight into your personality traits and discover how to improve your interactions with others.
Everyone has their own unique way of thinking, behavioral patterns and decision-...