'人格' related blog posts

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Super accurate MBTI 'dual personality' analysis! The surface and reality of type 16 personality revealed, INFP actually lacks love, ENFJ’s emotions are written on their face

Super accurate MBTI 'dual personality' analysis! The surface and reality of type 16 personality revealed, INFP actually lacks love, ENFJ’s emotions are written on their face
Have you ever been told that you have a dual personality? Have you ever wondered what your true personality is like? The MBTI Type 16 is a popular personality classification that helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses and how you interact with others. In this article, we will reveal to you the 'dual personality' of each personality, that is, the personality characteristics you show and...

Analysis of schizoidal personality symptoms: Do you have this personality tendency?

Detailed explanation of the symptoms, tests and treatment methods of schizoid personality disorder. Understand whether you have a split personality tendency and provide effective adjustment methods and self-improvement skills. What is a split personality? Schizoidal personality disorder (also known as cowardice and inferiority personality) is a relatively rare personality disorder, which is mani...

Jung 8D + MBTI | ENTJ Shadow Function Personality Analysis, Revealing the Leader-type Personality Transformation!

Jung 8D + MBTI | ENTJ Shadow Function Personality Analysis, Revealing the Leader-type Personality Transformation!
Have you ever had such a moment: the rational and decisive self in daily life suddenly becomes emotionally hesitant; you, who have always been outgoing and proactive, inexplicably fall into introverted and passive? These behaviors and ideas that are contrary to daily personality are likely to be the shadow function personality being quietly at work. This article will take MBTI and Jung’s eight-di...

MBTI 16 personality types advanced personality profile + free MBTI test address

Have you ever felt like you were different, not understood, or didn’t understand others? Have you ever wondered what your personality type is? Do you want to understand how different personality types affect your career choices, relationships, lifestyle, and values? Do you want to explore your strengths and potential, and how to get along and work with other personality types? If you are interest...

Jung Eight Dimension + MBTI | What is the hidden personality of INTP? INTP shadow function personality analysis allows you to understand yourself better!

Jung Eight Dimension + MBTI | What is the hidden personality of INTP? INTP shadow function personality analysis allows you to understand yourself better!
Have you ever had this experience: at some moments, your behavior and attitude are completely different from your usual days, and you are even surprised and confused? Have you ever been troubled by some ideas and emotions that are contrary to inherent values and fall into contradictions and depression? If the answer is yes, then you may have touched your shadow function personality. What exactly ...

Making money is the top priority. MBTI has the best ideal side job for 16 personality types. Look at your personality type exclusively for money making tips!

Making money is the top priority. MBTI has the best ideal side job for 16 personality types. Look at your personality type exclusively for money making tips!
In this era when everyone is eager to increase wealth, making money has become a major concern for many people. Are you also focused on making money plans and thinking about developing a side job? But when faced with a variety of side job choices, do you often feel unable to start? In fact, the secret is hidden in your MBTI personality type. MBTI personality is closely linked to side job choices....

Jung Eight Dimension + MBTI|ISFP Shadow Function Personality Analysis, Revealing Your Hidden Personality

Jung Eight Dimension + MBTI|ISFP Shadow Function Personality Analysis, Revealing Your Hidden Personality
As an ISFP, have you ever experienced such moments: some behaviors and thoughts are different from normal, and even yourself are surprised and confused? Do you feel that there is another completely different self in your heart, contradicting and conflicting with your external self? If the answer is yes, maybe you have touched your own shadow function personality. What exactly is the shadow functio...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Is there a dark side to your personality? INTJ’s shadow function personality revealed

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Is there a dark side to your personality? INTJ’s shadow function personality revealed
Have you ever had this experience: Sometimes you show behaviors or thoughts that are not quite consistent with your usual personality traits? For example, INTJ, who is usually introvert, rational and innovative, has become extrovert, emotional, traditional, and even a bit nonsensical at some moments. These characteristics that are opposite to the main personality are the shadow functional personal...

The difference and connection between personality and personality in psychology

The difference and connection between personality and personality in psychology
In the field of psychology, personality and personality are two important concepts. Personality is usually defined as an individual's relatively stable behavioral and emotional patterns, which reflect a person's typical behavior in different situations. Personality more broadly covers a person's cognitive, emotional and behavioral characteristics, and represents the overall psychological structure...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Shadow Function Personality Analysis of MBTI's Sixteen Personality Types

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|Shadow Function Personality Analysis of MBTI's Sixteen Personality Types
As we journey through the psychology of personality, Jung’s Theory of Psychological Types and the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) provide us with a unique perspective that allows us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. Jung's theory refers to the Shadow Functional Personality this is a part of our unconscious that often contains traits and potentials that we are unwilling to ...

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