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Setting boundaries is not the same as pushing people away! How to establish healthy interpersonal boundaries?

'I feel really uncomfortable when he does this! But is it really okay to tell him?' You may be worried that setting boundaries (Boundaries), telling others clearly will make them think you are fussy or unsophisticated, and this feeling of guilt can make you feel overwhelmed. But you know what? In fact, setting appropriate interpersonal boundaries is indispensable for us to protect ourselves or cr...

Have you tried all five mainstream personality assessment tools?

Personality is an individual's internal behavioral tendency, which has the characteristics of uniqueness, integrity, structure, stability and other characteristics. It provides a unified internal explanation for each person's external behavior. Since Hippocrates' 'Four Liquids Theory' two thousand years ago, humans have never stopped researching 'personality psychology'. Up to now, there are many ...

The pessimist is always right, the optimist always moves forward!

The pessimist is always right, the optimist always moves forward!
Pessimists are always right, optimists always move forward! This quote expresses the philosophical view that pessimists tend to be able to foresee possible problems and challenges, so their concerns are justified to some extent. Optimists, however, choose to keep moving forward, regardless of the difficulties ahead, believing that a solution to the problem can be found. This attitude helps drive ...

To repeat or not to repeat? Teacher Zhang Xuefeng gives you professional selection advice!

After the college entrance examination scores came out, some students were researching which university to apply for, some were considering what major to choose, and some students were wondering whether to repeat the studies. Recently, in the QQ user exchange group of PsycTest, some students mentioned the feasibility of repeating the course and expressed that they were confused and entangled. !D...

True interpretation of MBTI personality type: ISFP - Composer

MBTI Personality Type: ISFP Composer ISFPs are gentle guardians who live in the moment and enjoy their surroundings with cheerful, understated enthusiasm. Flexible and spontaneous, they like to go with the flow and enjoy everything life has to offer. Quiet and unassuming, ISFPs can be difficult to get to know. However, to those who know them well, ISFPs are warm, friendly, and willing to share ma...

When asked in an interview why you left your job and what your shortcomings were, how should you answer?

There are hundreds of interview questions! Among them, 'reason for leaving', 'what are your shortcomings', and 'why did you choose a cross-industry and non-original position' are almost the three major challenges that interviewers must ask. How to answer them will not turn into a disaster of accidentally stepping on taboos. Woolen cloth? Let’s take a look at how to resolve the three major problems...

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ISFJ-Guardian Personality

MBTI Personality Encyclopedia: ISFJ-Guardian Personality
Defender Personality (ISFJ) is a personality type among the 16 personalities. Among them, `I` stands for introversion, `S` stands for practicality, `F` stands for emotion, and `J` stands for independence. The Guardian personality type is a very unique type, and many of their qualities are inconsistent with their own idiosyncrasies. Although they are very caring about the feelings of others, they ...

Weekend self-healing list to make your life better

In this fast-paced era, we often face various pressures and challenges, and sometimes feel anxious, depressed, and powerless. We need to find some ways to relax ourselves, adjust our mentality, and improve our happiness. There are 70 different self-healing methods here, covering aspects of life, sports, food, travel, entertainment, etc. Each method is the user's personal experience or suggestion....

Do you panic when you are trapped in an elevator? The causes and methods of claustrophobia tell you

Do you panic when you are trapped in an elevator? The causes and methods of claustrophobia tell you
Have you ever encountered such a situation, when you are taking the elevator, suddenly the elevator stops and the door does not open, you feel very scared, your heart beats faster, your breathing becomes difficult, and you want to escape, but there is nothing you can do? If you feel this way, you may be suffering from a psychological disorder called claustrophobia. So, what is claustrophobia? Why ...

MBTI test: 16 types of personality encounter locations at once! Find your perfect match

MBTI test: 16 types of personality encounter locations at once! Find your perfect match
Have you ever wondered what your personality type is, and where you're most likely to meet your ideal partner? If yes, then you should definitely try the MBTI test, which is a psychology-based personality taxonomy that can help you understand your own and other people’s preferences and characteristics. There are 16 personality types in the MBTI test. Each type has its own personality and preferenc...

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