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Your hair is giving you away! A hair can measure your stress level. Do you dare to try it?

Have you ever been in a situation where you get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and realize that your hair is a mess, which makes you very unhappy. You might think it's because you didn't sleep well last night, or because you're using the wrong shampoo. In fact, your hair may have another secret that tells you how high your stress levels are. ! Hair can detect drugs and stress As you pro...

In addition to the MBTI 16 personality types, we have collected a large number of free personality tests, take the test together!

In addition to the MBTI 16 personality types, we have collected a large number of free personality tests, take the test together!
A personality test is a tool that uses a series of questions or tasks to assess a person's personality traits, tendencies, strengths, weaknesses, suitable careers, etc. Personality tests can help us understand ourselves better. There are many different types of personality tests available online, some based on psychological theories, some based on statistics, and some based on fun. Different pers...

Career planning, are you doing it right? After reading this article, you will know!

Career planning, are you doing it right? After reading this article, you will know!
What is career planning? Why do you need career planning? How to make a good career plan? These are questions that many people may often think about in their careers. Career planning refers to the process of formulating one's own career goals and development plans based on one's own interests, abilities, values and the needs of the career market. Career planning can help us better understand ourse...

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|ISFP, you have a hidden self, do you know? Reveal your shadow function personality!

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI|ISFP, you have a hidden self, do you know? Reveal your shadow function personality!
Have you ever experienced times when you behaved and thought completely differently than usual, to the point where you even surprised and confused yourself? Have you ever felt like, sometimes, you have a completely different version of yourself inside that contradicts and conflicts with your surface self? If your answer is yes, then you may have been in touch with your shadow functioning personali...

Emotion management, do you know it? After reading this article, you are a master!

Emotion management, do you know it? After reading this article, you are a master!
How to manage emotions and make yourself happier? Emotion is a basic human ability that helps us perceive ourselves and the surrounding environment, and can also influence our thinking and behavior. However, if we cannot effectively manage our emotions, it may lead to psychological stress, physical discomfort, interpersonal conflicts and other problems. Therefore, learning to manage emotions is a...

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTP’s shadow functional personality, do you know? After reading this article, you will be surprised!

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI | ENTP’s shadow functional personality, do you know? After reading this article, you will be surprised!
Have you ever had such an experience? Sometimes you will show some behaviors or thoughts that are not consistent with your usual personality. For example, you are usually very outgoing and open, but sometimes you become very introverted and conservative, or you You are usually very rational and objective, but sometimes you become very emotional and subjective? These may be your shadow function per...

Are you suffering from mobile phone dependence? 9 truths that even adults dare not face!

Are you suffering from mobile phone dependence? 9 truths that even adults dare not face!
Are you inseparable from your mobile phone every day? Do you always use your phone to browse Weibo, watch videos, and play games? Do you think there would be no fun without a mobile phone? If so, you may already be suffering from cell phone addiction! Mobile phone dependence is a modern psychological disease that will bring a lot of harm to your life, study, and health. Do you want to know how ter...

Psychologists send you New Year greetings. Can you guess which school they belong to?

Happy New Year! In this new year full of hope and challenges, we all need some encouragement and support. If a psychologist came to send you New Year greetings, what would they say? What language and methods will they use to express their care and wishes? From what angle and perspective will they view you and your life? Today, we are going to play a little game to see how psychologists send New Y...

Do you panic when you are trapped in an elevator? The causes and methods of claustrophobia tell you

Do you panic when you are trapped in an elevator? The causes and methods of claustrophobia tell you
Have you ever encountered such a situation, when you are taking the elevator, suddenly the elevator stops and the door does not open, you feel very scared, your heart beats faster, your breathing becomes difficult, and you want to escape, but there is nothing you can do? If you feel this way, you may be suffering from a psychological disorder called claustrophobia. So, what is claustrophobia? Why ...

Psychological aging, are you affected? 16 questions, you will know in one test

Psychological aging, are you affected? 16 questions, you will know in one test
The psychological behavior of people aging before they get old is called psychological aging. Aging attitude is people's experience and evaluation of the aging process and old age. It is a relatively complex psychological structure that can be divided into multiple levels from different angles. As age increases, many psychological functions of modern people, especially cognitive functions, declin...

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