Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI|INFJ’s shadow functional personality, the secret you may not know

Jung’s Eight Dimensions + MBTI|INFJ’s shadow functional personality, the secret you may not know

Did you know that your personality type not only determines your strengths and weaknesses, but also hides another side of you? This is the shadow functional personality, which is a side that you don’t usually show, but under certain circumstances, it will suddenly show up and bring you surprises or troubles. So, what is your shadow function personality? What effect does it have on you? How can you take advantage of it?

This article will analyze one of the rarest personality types - INFJ’s shadow functional personality from the perspective of Jung’s eight dimensions and MBTI, to help you gain a deeper understanding of the psychological characteristics and behavior patterns of yourself and others, and how to develop your shadow functional personality. advantages to achieve self-growth and development.

PS This article is suitable for readers who already have a basic understanding of the concept of Jung’s Eight Dimensions (MBTI Cognitive Function). If you have not yet understood the related concepts, you can read this article, or search for relevant information by yourself.

What is shadow functional personality?

Shadow functional personality means that the first and fourth letters of a personality type are replaced with opposite letters. For example, the shadow functional personality of INFJ is ENFP, the shadow functional personality of INTJ is ENTP, etc. Shadow functional personality is a side of us that we don’t usually show. It is a part of our subconscious mind and a side that may appear under stress or crisis. Shadow functional personality is not necessarily bad, it can also be our potential or resource, as long as we can recognize and utilize it correctly.

The formation principle of shadow functional personality can be understood from the perspective of Jung’s eight dimensions. Jung’s eight dimensions refer to the eight psychological functions in Jungian psychology, namely: feeling, intuition, thinking, emotion, and their introversion and extroversion directions. Everyone has these eight psychological functions, but some functions are stronger, some functions are weaker, some functions are more active, and some functions are more passive. Jung’s Eight Dimensions can help us gain a deeper understanding of the psychological characteristics and behavior patterns of ourselves and others.

MBTI is a personality classification tool based on Jung’s eight dimensions. It divides personality into 16 types. Each type consists of four letters, representing a combination of four psychological functions. For example, INFJ represents a combination of introverted intuition (Ni), extroverted feeling (Fe), introverted thinking (Ti), and extroverted feeling (Se). MBTI can help us more easily identify our own and other people’s personality types, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

According to Jung’s eight-dimensional and MBTI theories, everyone has a dominant function, an auxiliary function, a tertiary function, and a quaternary function, which respectively represent the strength and priority of our psychological functions. Dominant function is our strongest psychological function and determines our core values and goals. The auxiliary function is our second strongest psychological function, supporting our dominant function and allowing us to communicate and adapt to the outside world. Tertiary Function is our third strongest psychological function, it is our hidden potential that allows us to balance and develop ourselves. The fourth function is our weakest psychological function. It is our blind spot and weakness, making us susceptible to interference and distress.

In addition to these four psychological functions, we have four other psychological functions, which are our shadow functions and are in opposition to our yang functions. Shadow functions are psychological functions that we don’t usually use. They represent our subconscious and unconsciousness. They may suddenly appear under certain circumstances and bring us surprises or troubles. The order of the shadow functions is opposite to the order of the yang functions. For example, if the yang functions of INFJ are Ni, Fe, Ti, and Se, then their shadow functions are Ne, Fi, Te, and Si.

What is the shadow functional personality of INFJ?

INFJs are one of the rarest personality types on the MBTI, and they are known for their idealism, empathy, and creativity. Their primary function is Introverted Intuition (Ni), their auxiliary function is Extraverted Feeling (Fe), their tertiary function is Introverted Thinking (Ti), and their tertiary function is Extraverted Sensing (Se). Their shadow function personality is ENFP, and their shadow functions are extroverted intuition (Ne), introverted feeling (Fi), extroverted thinking (Te), and introverted feeling (Si).

From the above analysis, it can be seen that the Jungian eight dimensions of INFJ and ENFP are completely opposite. Their dominant function and fourth function, as well as auxiliary function and third function, are all opposed to each other. This means that the way of thinking and behavior of INFJ and ENFP are very different, and they have conflicts and contradictions in many aspects.

So, what impact does INFJ’s shadow functional personality ENFP have on INFJ? We can look at it from the following aspects:

  • Under normal circumstances, INFJ’s shadow function personality ENFP is suppressed and ignored. INFJ rarely shows the characteristics of ENFP, such as: openness, liveliness, spontaneity, changeability, impulsiveness, curiosity, innovation, etc. INFJ is more inclined to express its dominant and auxiliary functions, such as introversion, contemplation, orderliness, stability, caution, understanding, creation, etc.
  • Under pressure or crisis situations, INFJ’s shadow function personality ENFP may suddenly burst out, and INFJ may show negative characteristics of ENFP, such as: rebellious, emotional, undisciplined, irresponsible, impulsive, aggressive, critical, etc. INFJs may lose their dominant and auxiliary functions, such as confusion, isolation, confusion, restlessness, self-blame, apathy, negativity, etc.
  • In the case of growth or development, INFJ’s shadow function personality ENFP can be used positively. INFJ can learn and draw on the advantages of ENFP, such as: openness, liveliness, spontaneity, changeability, impulsiveness, curiosity, innovation, etc. INFJ can balance its dominant functions and auxiliary functions, such as: clarity, integration, orderliness, stability, caution, understanding, creativity, etc.

How to take advantage of the shadow functional personality?

The shadow functional personality is an existence with both risks and opportunities. It can be our enemy or our friend. The key lies in how we recognize and deal with it. If we can face up to our own shadow function personality, understand its characteristics and influences, control its negative manifestations, and exert its positive effects, then we can understand ourselves better, develop ourselves more comprehensively, and interact more harmoniously with others. get along.

So, how do we take advantage of our shadow functional personality? Here are some methods and techniques, I hope they will be helpful to you:

  • Understand your own shadow function personality. First, you need to know your personality type, as well as your yang and shadow functions. You can determine your personality type through some testing or counseling, or you can judge it based on your own characteristics and tendencies. Then, you need to understand the characteristics and strengths of your shadow functional personality, as well as its relationship and differences with your yang functional personality. You can get more information and inspiration by reading some books or articles, or observing some people who have the same shadow function personality as you.
  • Accept your own shadow function personality. Second, you need to accept that your shadow functioning personality is a part of you, not your enemy or flaw. You need to realize that your shadow functional personality is not bad. It also has its value and role. It can help you see things more comprehensively, respond to changes more flexibly, and express yourself richer. You need to respect your shadow function personality instead of suppressing or denying it. You need to make peace with your shadow personality rather than fight or conflict with it.
  • Observe your own shadow function personality. Again, you need to pay attention to the situations in which your shadow function personality emerges and what impact it has on you. You can discover clues and signs of your shadow function personality by recording or reviewing events in your daily life. You can evaluate the performance and effectiveness of your shadow function personality by reflecting on it or asking others for their opinions. You can find out the strengths and potential of your shadow functional personality by analyzing or comparing the advantages and disadvantages of your yang functional personality and your shadow functional personality.
  • Adjust your own shadow function personality. Finally, you need to control the negative manifestations of your shadow function personality and exert its positive effects. You need to use your shadow function personality at the appropriate time, to the appropriate extent, and in the appropriate way, and not use it excessively, insufficiently, or inappropriately. You need to use your shadow functional personality in harmony with your yang functional personality, rather than conflicting with or replacing your yang functional personality. You need to use your shadow function personality for purposes that benefit your growth and development, not to the detriment of your values and goals.


Shadow functional personality is a side that we don’t usually show, but under certain circumstances, it will suddenly show up and bring us surprises or troubles. Shadow functional personality is not necessarily bad, it can also be our potential or resource, as long as we can recognize and utilize it correctly.

This article analyzes one of the rarest personality types - the shadow functional personality of INFJ, as well as its characteristics and influence from the perspective of Jung’s eight dimensions and MBTI. This article also gives some methods and techniques to help INFJ recognize and accept their own shadow, understand its characteristics and advantages, observe its emergence and reasons, adjust its expression and use, and coordinate it with the yang functional personality , rather than conflict, thereby achieving self-growth and development.

I hope this article is helpful to you. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a message. Thank you for your reading and support.

📖 Read ‘INFJ Advanced Personality File’

MBTI Type 16 Personality Free Online Test

If you still don’t know your MBTI personality type or want to retest whether your personality type has changed, PsycTest officially provides a free MBTI Type 16 Professional Personality Test, which we hope will be helpful to you.

MBTI free test address: www.psyctest.cn/mbti/

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/Vm5b9KG6/

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