Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | What is the shadow functional personality of ISTJ? Reveal the unknown side of you!

Jung's Eight Dimensions + MBTI | What is the shadow functional personality of ISTJ? Reveal the unknown side of you!

Are you an ISTJ? If so, you probably have some idea of your own personality traits. You are a responsible, pragmatic, and organized person. You like to follow rules and traditions. You value facts and details. You are good at planning and execution. You are a reliable partner and leader.

But, you know what? Your personality is not static, you have another side, a shadow functional personality hidden deep inside you. What is this shadow functional personality? Under what circumstances will it appear? How does it affect you? Today, let’s discuss the ISTJ’s shadow functional personality—ESTP.

PS This article is suitable for readers who already have a basic understanding of the concept of Jung’s Eight Dimensions (MBTI Cognitive Function). If you have not yet understood the related concepts, you can read this article, or search for relevant information by yourself.

What is shadow functional personality?

Shadow function personality is a concept proposed by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. It refers to the function in a person’s personality that is opposite to his dominant function. The specific transformation rule is that if you replace the first and fourth letters of a personality with opposite letters, you will get a shadow personality. For example, the shadow functional personality of ISTJ is ESTP.

Shadow functional personality is usually a side that a person is unwilling to admit or accept. It represents a person’s subconscious and unconsciousness. It is a person’s weaknesses and shortcomings, as well as a person’s potential and opportunities.

The shadow functional personality of ISTJ is ESTP

The shadow functional personality of ISTJ is ESTP, which means that under certain circumstances, ISTJ will show characteristics that are opposite to their usual characteristics. For example:

  • ISTJ is usually an introvert, but under the influence of shadow functional personality, they may become extroverted, like to communicate with others, seek excitement and adventure, and enjoy the fun of the moment.
  • ISTJ is usually a feeling person, but under the influence of shadow functional personality, they may become intuitive, like to explore new possibilities, create new ideas, and not stick to reality and details.
  • ISTJ is usually a thinking person, but under the influence of shadow functional personality, they may become emotional, like to express their feelings, care about the emotions of others, and seek recognition and praise.
  • ISTJ is usually a judgmental person, but under the influence of shadow functional personality, they may become perceptive, prefer flexibility and freedom, and dislike planning and arrangement, improvisation and improvising.

Conditions for the emergence of shadow functional personality

So under what circumstances does shadow functional personality appear? Generally speaking, there are the following possibilities:

  • When a person is in a state of stress or crisis, he may unconsciously activate his or her shadow function personality in order to cope with difficult situations. For example, an ISTJ may exhibit ESTP characteristics when faced with sudden changes or challenges, seeking new solutions or escaping reality.
  • When a person is in a state of relaxation or pleasure, he may consciously release his shadow function personality to enjoy different experiences or satisfy his own needs. For example, an ISTJ may exhibit ESTP characteristics during leisure or entertainment times to add fun or excitement.
  • When a person is in a state of growth or learning, he may consciously explore his shadow functional personality in order to improve his abilities or expand his horizons. For example, an ISTJ may exhibit ESTP characteristics while studying or working to acquire new knowledge or skills.

The influence of shadow functional personality

What impact does shadow functional personality have on a person? This depends on a person’s awareness and acceptance of his or her shadow function personality. Generally speaking, there are the following situations:

  • If a person completely denies or resists his or her shadow function personality, he may cause his or her personality to become imbalanced and exhibit extreme or unhealthy behaviors. For example, an ISTJ may become too stubborn or rigid, or too impulsive or flighty.
  • If a person partially recognizes or accepts his or her shadow function personality, he may cause his own personality conflicts and show contradictory or unstable behaviors. For example, an ISTJ may show different behaviors in different situations or groups. Face, or feeling torn or hesitant between one’s dominant and shadow functions.
  • If a person fully recognizes or accepts his/her shadow function personality, he may lead his/her personality to be intact and exhibit balanced or healthy behaviors. For example, an ISTJ may flexibly use his/her dominant function and behavior at the appropriate time. Shadow function, or achieving harmony or coordination between one’s dominant and shadow functions.

How to live in harmony with your own shadow function personality?

From the above analysis, we can see that shadow functional personality is not a person’s enemy, but a person’s friend. It can help a person understand himself better, cope with life better, and develop himself better. So, how to live in harmony with your own shadow function personality? Here are three simple methods for you:

  • Observe your own behavior and emotions. When you find that your behavior and emotions are inconsistent with your usual habits, do not rush to deny or suppress it, but try to understand and accept that this may be your shadow functional personality at work.
  • Try out your own shadow function personality. When you have an opportunity or interest, don’t be afraid or refuse, but be brave or willing. This may be your shadow function personality giving you a hint, and it may be helping you expand your abilities or horizons. For example, you can try some activities or interests that are different from your usual ones, such as travel, sports, art, music, etc., to see if you can get fun or gain from them.
  • Appreciate the shadow functional personality of others. When you encounter a personality type that is opposite to yours, don’t criticize or exclude, but understand or respect. This may be your shadow function personality giving you opportunities, and it may be helping you improve your relationships or teams. For example, you can communicate or collaborate with some ESTP people to see if you can learn from them or complement each other.


Shadow function personality is a function in a person’s personality that is opposite to its dominant function. It is a person’s weaknesses and deficiencies, as well as a person’s potential and opportunities. The shadow functional personality of ISTJ is ESTP, which means that under certain circumstances, ISTJ will show characteristics that are opposite to their usual characteristics. The three conditions for the emergence of shadow functional personality are stress, relaxation and growth. The three influences of shadow functional personality are imbalance, conflict and integrity. The three harmonious methods of shadow functional personality are observation, trying and appreciation. I hope this article can help you understand yourself better, cope with life better, and develop yourself better.

📖 Read ‘ISTJ Advanced Personality File’

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Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/PDGmKlxl/

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