MBTI type 16 personality analysis - ESFJ

ESFJ - Carer (Master) Personality

Sincere, talkative, cooperative, popular, above board - a natural collaborator and active organizational member. Value harmony and be good at creating harmony. Always do things that are beneficial to others. Giving encouragement and praise will lead to better work results. Most interested in matters that directly and tangibly impact people’s lives. Enjoys working with others to get work done with precision and on time.


Feature Overview:

For ESFJs, the most important thing is interpersonal relationships and being able to help others in a real and concrete way. They are generous to others and like to celebrate traditional festivals. What’s different about ESFJs is that they appreciate. They see the problem clearly, assign it easily, and then work hard with gusto. Like most SJ types, ESFJs are very loyal to authority. They work willingly for their superiors (the meaning of life), and they hope that their subordinates can do the same.

Features detailed explanation:

ESFJs are easily hurt. When they are hurt, they do not suppress their inner emotions. They are naturally the kind of people who express themselves easily. They are warm and kind to others, but there are also times when they reveal their inner bitterness. Some ESFJs express their volatile emotions in dramatic ways on the stage or screen.

The ESFJ person’s heart is impacted by a strong and contradictory force. They have a very strong instinctive drive to rescue all distorted truths. So when they find someone who has crossed the line, they will take quick and swift action, which may be followed by severe condemnation. Like administrators, ESFJ people can feel the potential dangers around them - internal causes, external factors, unscrupulous villains, insidious human weaknesses, etc., so this is an untrustworthy world full of dangers. Rather than saying that ESFJ people are too suspicious, it is better to say that they are highly vigilant. So they are very good security guards and have excellent performance in the fields of medicine, health care and primary education.

Friendly, positive and energetic; talkative, cordial and sociable; caring, considerate, cautious and polite, easy to work with; practical and upright; sentimental and vulnerable; traditional and conscientious, organized.

Caring, responsible and cooperative. We hope that the surrounding environment will be warm and harmonious, and we will decisively create such an environment. Enjoys working with others to complete tasks accurately and in a timely manner. Loyalty, even in the little things. Able to understand the needs of others in their daily lives and do their best to help. I hope that I and what I do can be recognized and appreciated by others.


ESFJs actively help others in real, practical ways through direct action and cooperation. They are friendly, compassionate and responsible.

ESFJ-type people put their relationships with others in a very important position, so they often have harmonious interpersonal relationships and make great efforts to obtain and maintain such relationships. In fact, they often idealize the people or things they admire.

ESFJ people tend to appreciate themselves and their achievements very much, so they are very sensitive to criticism or indifference from others. They are usually decisive, express their firm opinions, and are happy for things to be resolved quickly.

ESFJ type people are very realistic, they are practical, practical and orderly. They participate in and remember important things and details, and enjoy being confident in others’ affairs. They develop plans or insights based on their own personal experiences or the experiences of people they trust. They are aware of and involved in the physical world around them and like to be proactive and creative.

ESFJ people are very careful and traditional, so they can stick to their responsibilities and commitments. They support existing institutions, are often proactive and cooperative members of committees or organizations, and value and maintain good social relationships. They work tirelessly to help others and are active and active especially when encountering difficulties or achieving success.

Basic description:

Supplying is the act of providing others with the necessities of life. Suppliers seem to be naturally interested in serving others, ensuring that they have a sense of material sufficiency and a sense of belonging to the group. They consciously assume the responsibility of taking care of the people around them and arranging their welfare. They are also the most sociable people among the guardian types. Wherever you go, you will assume the role of a contributor to society, happily dedicating your time and energy to ensure that the needs of others are met, traditions are maintained and developed, and that your social responsibilities are fulfilled satisfactorily.


Because of their kind or gentle nature, they prefer the role of custodians, and, being outgoing and personable, they seem to enjoy being providers rather than protectors. They account for 10% of the population and 95% are women, which is something to be thankful for because cooperation and social convenience are the keys to their human structure. They excel at working collaboratively with their assistants and are tirelessly concerned with the details of arranging all goods and services.

These expressive keepers, personable and talkative, can become uneasy in isolation. Even among a group of strangers, they can start a conversation and have a pleasant conversation. They show a keen interest in small talk, down to the smallest details. They are more accustomed to thinking about visible things rather than fictional things, and they easily realize and discuss the big or difficult things in people’s lives. They cannot master abstract topics, but they tend to listen to recognized authorities and talk about theories about abstract things, and often rely on officially recognized opinions as the standards and basis for their judgment of things.

Social traditions hold great significance for the providers, and their conversations often drift into nostalgic accounts of experiences in the good old days, but at the same time, as providers express predictions of gloom and doom, they appear to have an infectious Tragic tendencies, thereby putting undue pressure on others. They need to control their fear of the thought that the worst is bound to happen.

Providers are hypersensitive and are more than willing to express this emotional response. They can quickly express their likes or dislikes and put the people they care about in a prominent position; they rarely mention the people they don’t like. They are always concerned about superficial appearances and take other people’s opinions regarding their personal commitments very seriously. Personal criticism will overwhelm them, and only when they and their services are recognized will they be able to carry out their duties effectively. They want to be needed and spend time and energy proving they are trustworthy. They can become demoralized by unkind treatment and become accustomed to taking responsibility for any possible mistakes in their systems or relationships.


When choosing a career, suppliers may prefer service industries. Suppliers demonstrate how to personalize sales when dealing with sales. They clearly and honestly have the customer’s welfare in mind, so that the customer not only buys from them but also purchases personal welfare. Their character prompts them to excel in jobs involving many people, and they rarely arouse the wrath of leaders because they are duty- and service-oriented, respecting and obeying rules and regulations. Be loyal to your boss and make an effective personal secretary and office receptionist.

Suitable for careers:

Labor relations mediator, product planner, tourism project operator, tourism sales manager, preschool teacher, career planning consultant, tourism management/tour guide, boutique and shopping mall sales staff, entertainment and catering industry account managers, marketing staff ( consumer products), creatives, account managers photographers, community workers, fitness and sports coaches


Well-organized, loyal, and a reliable person who completes tasks from beginning to end. He likes to create order, structure, and plans. He likes to communicate with others. He is enthusiastic and caring. He puts the needs of others before his own. He is good at giving practical help to others. , cooperates and helps each other, is a very good team member, is down-to-earth, pays attention to practice, respects a calm and safe life, likes diversity, but is also very good at handling daily affairs, needs to be recognized by others, and gets satisfaction in the process of giving , live in the present, don’t like to theorize about the future


ESFJs are very enthusiastic and they value their friends and family very much. They enjoy serving others, and their happiness comes from the joy and pleasure of those around them. ESFJs are highly regarded by those around them for their genuine enthusiasm, caring nature, and their ability to bring out the best in others. They are usually not good at controlling conflict situations and show a certain desire for control and manipulation. Interpersonal communication is at the core of their lives, and they invest a lot of time and energy into cultivating and maintaining these interpersonal bonds. At the same time, they expect others to do the same.

Spare no effort to fulfill one’s duties and obligations; have a warm and friendly nature, willing to identify with others; have a sense of service and like to please others; are very serious about their commitments and seek love that can last forever; responsible and down-to-earth, reliable in handling daily affairs Campaigner; usually positive, very popular, and very attractive to the people around them; usually very good at managing money; traditional-minded, family-minded, and often organize family celebrations and traditional special events.


Often uncomfortable with changes and new environments; extremely averse to conflict and criticism; needs a lot of positive affirmation from others to gain self-satisfaction; may be overly focused on power status and what others think of oneself; has difficulty accepting the end of relationships and always They will put all the blame on themselves; it is difficult to accept any negative problems in those close to them; they do not pay enough attention to their own needs and often make self-sacrifice; they may use conspiracy and manipulation to achieve their own goals.

ESFJ Type Lover:

ESFJs always care and take special care of their loved ones. They tend to be very traditional and take their commitments very seriously. Once an ESFJ says the words ‘I do,’ they will absolutely spend a lot of time and energy fulfilling their commitment to the relationship.

ESFJs want others to appreciate themselves for who they are and appreciate the efforts they have made for others. This need for approval can sometimes lead them to become extremely hungry for emotional gratification. If the desire is difficult to satisfy, they may also continue to hint at their lover in order to seek approval of themselves. ESFJs are especially intolerant of conflict or criticism. Any form of criticism is an insult to their character. This potential problem is something ESFJs need to be aware of. When faced with negative comments from others or lack of positive recognition from others, ESFJs usually become frustrated and begin to give up on themselves. As an ESFJ lover, a grateful heart is the best gift to them.

ESFJs are very concerned about social status and ‘what others think.’ They should be careful not to let this affect their feelings.

Sexually, ESFJs are passionate and loving. They see sex as an opportunity to express their love and receive love from the other person. Many ESFJs prefer traditional, regimented sex. However, as they accumulate knowledge and relevant information, this stereotype will eventually be broken. ESFJs have a strong sense of service and will pay great attention to making their significant other feel happy.

ESFJs are down to earth and therefore extremely good at home management. They are usually very responsible for their family’s daily needs, and they are always cautious when it comes to finances. They prefer a safe and peaceful life and will work tirelessly to achieve their own, partner and family goals.


PsycTest believes that most ESFJs have a great need for a sense of belonging. This need often makes them very socially talented, willing to attend parties, and will also hold some gatherings from time to time. They often want their partners to share their social experiences.

Although two individuals of any personality type can have a healthy relationship as long as their personalities are fully developed. However, a more suitable natural partner for ESFJ is an ISFP, ISFJ or INFP personality. The ESFJ’s dominant function, ‘Extroverted Feeling,’ best matches the dominant function of both personality types, ‘Introverted Feeling.’


No matter what you do, you need courage.

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