The relationship between MBTI personality test and the workplace: How to pass the interview personality test?

MBTI personality test is a personality assessment tool based on Jung’s psychological type theory. It divides people into 16 different personality types, each type is represented by 4 letters. The MBTI personality test is widely used internationally, but there are also some controversies, mainly about its scientificity and accuracy. Recently, topics related to the MBTI personality test have become a hot topic. Some companies use similar tests to quickly screen job applicants during recruitment, and many job seekers said they were rejected for employment because they failed the personality test. So, what is the relationship between MBTI personality test and the workplace? How do job seekers pass the interview personality test? This article will answer these questions for you.

Principles and controversies of MBTI personality test

The MBTI personality test was developed by American psychologist Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers in the 1940s and is based on Swiss psychology Developed from the theory of psychological types by Carl Jung. The MBTI personality test divides people into 16 different personality types, each type is represented by 4 letters, such as ISTJ, ENFP, etc. Each type has its own unique personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, and suitable careers and environments.

The purpose of the MBTI personality test is to help people understand the personality differences between themselves and others, thereby improving self-understanding, interpersonal communication and teamwork. The MBTI personality test is widely used internationally and is used by many companies, schools, governments and individuals. It has also been cited in many books, movies, games and other works.

However, there is some controversy surrounding the MBTI personality test, mainly regarding its scientificity and accuracy. Some studies have shown that the reliability and validity of the MBTI personality test are not high enough, that is to say, it cannot guarantee that the results measured are consistent every time, nor can it guarantee that the measured results truly reflect a person’s personality characteristics. Some people may not fit into any one personality type, or may exhibit different types at different times and situations. Some people’s personalities may be influenced by a variety of factors rather than a single psychological type. Therefore, the results of the MBTI personality test can only be used as a reference and cannot be used as a decisive basis.

The relationship between MBTI personality test and the workplace

Some companies use similar tests to quickly screen job applicants during recruitment, and many job seekers said they were rejected for employment because they failed the personality test. Experts believe that many of the questions in this type of test involve personal privacy of workers that have nothing to do with the labor contract. In addition, conducting personality tests and not recruiting specific workers based on this is to exclude workers using abstract standards that have nothing to do with work. , there is a tendency of employment discrimination.

So, what is the relationship between MBTI personality test and the workplace? The practice of requiring job seekers to take the MBTI personality test in the workplace may have certain rationality, but may also have certain limitations. On the one hand, the MBTI personality test can help employers understand the personality tendencies of job applicants to determine whether they are suitable for certain positions or teams. For example, extroverts may be better suited to jobs that involve communicating with others, while introverts may be better suited to jobs that involve independent thinking. But this is not absolute, because human personality is not static, but changes with changes in environment and experience. On the other hand, the MBTI personality test may cause some misleading or bias, causing employers to ignore other aspects of the applicant’s abilities and potential. For example, some employers may believe that only certain types of people are qualified for certain jobs, while ignoring factors such as the applicant’s professional knowledge, work experience, and learning ability. In this way, some excellent talents may be missed, or unnecessary pressure and trouble may be caused to job seekers.

How to pass the interview personality test?

Interview personality test is a common recruitment method, which is designed to understand the personality characteristics of job applicants and their suitability for the position. Different companies and positions may use different personality test tools, such as EPA, MBTI, Holland, DISC, etc., or design their own proprietary personality test questions. The results of personality tests are often used as a reference for corporate screening and interviews, but they are not necessarily the decisive factor.

The purpose of interview personality testing is not to find the best or worst personality, but to find the best match. Therefore, job seekers should follow the following principles when taking personality tests:

  • Answer the questions realistically. Don’t try to guess or cater to the expectations of the company or position, and don’t make random choices or lie. This may lead to inconsistent test results or inconsistency with your true personality, leaving a dishonest or unprofessional impression on the company, or you may find yourself unfit or unsatisfied after joining the job.
  • Answer the questions without distractions. Try to choose a quiet, comfortable, and interference-free environment, relax, read the questions carefully, and answer the questions according to your first reaction. Do not hesitate or struggle for too long. This ensures the accuracy and stability of the test results.
  • Understand in advance and find the points of agreement. Before taking the personality test, you can learn about the company’s culture and values in advance, as well as the responsibilities and requirements of the position, and think about whether your own personality and strengths are consistent with it.
  • Find the fit. Before taking the personality test, you can learn about the company’s culture and values in advance, as well as the responsibilities and requirements of the position, and think about whether your own personality and strengths are consistent with it. When answering questions, you can look for aspects of your personality that are compatible with your position, highlight your strengths and characteristics, and avoid overly extreme or extreme options.
  • Stay confident and don’t be overly nervous. A personality test is not an insurmountable chasm, nor is it a pair of scissors that determines your fate. It is just a way for companies to understand you, not the only standard. As long as you are authentic, professional, and positive, you will have the opportunity to pass the personality test and demonstrate your abilities and potential.

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