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In the future, will you become a rich woman or a pregnant woman?

Wealth/Investment 1 1 minute
Time is a very magical thing, it can give us good things, but it can also give us many tests. It is said that 'time is a butcher's knife' that ruthlessly takes away our appearance, leaving only deep wrinkles. Women will also experience a lot. After spending time experiencing everything, they will lose something and gain something. Some women will gain an out-of-shape figure and an obese body. Some...

10 questions to reveal your love line and relationship outlook!

Love/Relationship 2 1 minute 5
Sanmao said, 'If there is an afterlife, I want to be a tree and stand for eternity without a sad posture. Half of it is peaceful in the soil, half of it is flying in the wind, half of it is covered with shade, and half of it is bathed in the sun. It is very silent and very proud. From then on, Don’t rely on, never look for.” This is Sanmao’s view on love, and it is also Sanmao’s lifelong love lin...

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