Test your 'good guy complex'! Take this people-pleasing personality test to find out if you overly please others and reveal the roots of your cognitive, habitual, or emotional 'nice guy complex.' Get personalized advice, learn to set healthy boundaries, and improve the quality of your emotions and relationships. Start testing and find your true self!
In modern society, many people often play the...
Test your 'pleasure health index'! Find out if you have a 'pleaser personality,' and discover how to get out of over-pleaser territory. Assess your tendency to please through 30 questions, learn to set healthy personal boundaries, regain your self-identity, and live a healthier and happier life. Start self-assessment now and change starts now!
In modern society, each of us has more or less exper...
Do you often find it difficult to say no to others? Are you always worried that your words or decisions will make others unhappy? Or, you clearly want to express your opinion, but you are always afraid of being rejected and choose to remain silent? If you have ever had such confusion, you may have a certain tendency to please others.
What is a pleaser personality?
A pleaser personality is a beh...