'intp-t characters' related blog posts

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Does journaling help your physical and mental health? Science experiments reveal the principles behind

Writing a diary is a common way of self-expression. It can help us record every moment in our lives and also allow us to talk about our inner feelings. But you may not know that keeping a journal has an unexpected benefit: it can improve our immunity and reduce our risk of getting sick. This discovery comes from an experiment conducted by University of Texas psychologist Jamie Pennebaker. He invi...

First Principles Thinking: How to Think Like a Genius

Have you ever wondered why some people are able to create amazing inventions and innovations, while others can only repeat other people's ideas? Have you ever wondered why some people are able to achieve excellence in a variety of fields, while others are limited to just one? Have you ever wondered why some people are able to solve complex problems while others just get stuck? The answers to thes...

Is there a formula for success? 5 key laws to increase your winning rate in life!

Have you ever wondered why some people always succeed while others always hit a wall? Is it because they have any special talent or luck? Or is it because they have mastered some secret methods or techniques? In fact, success is not a mysterious thing, but a set of scientific formulas and laws. This is the amazing truth revealed to us by Professor Barabasi in his book 'There is a Formula for Succ...

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