'GAD-7 焦虑筛查' related tests

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Test Anxiety Psychological Test for Students (TAS)

Test introduction Mental/Health 37 4 2 Minutes 1
Test Anxiety Psychological Test for Students (TAS)
The Sarason Test Anxiety Scale (TAS) was compiled in 1978 by Professor Irwin G. Sarason, a famous clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychology at Washington University in the United States. It is currently the most famous test anxiety test widely used internationally. A scale designed to assess the level of anxiety an individual experiences during exams or testing situations. Test anxiet...

SAS Anxiety Self-Rating Scale Free Test

Test introduction Mental/Health 20 6 1 Minutes 9
SAS Anxiety Self-Rating Scale Free Test
The SAS Self-Rating Anxiety Scale is a standard for anxiety assessment. It is a psychological scale used to measure the severity of anxiety and its changes during treatment. It can help psychological counselors, psychiatrists, and psychiatrists assess the severity of individual anxiety and changes during treatment. It can be used to assess effectiveness during treatment but should not be used to d...

Self-rating Emotion Scale/Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale (DASS-21) online assessment

Test introduction Mental/Health 21 15 1 Minutes 18
Self-rating Emotion Scale/Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale (DASS-21) online assessment
The DASS-21 (Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scale) is a commonly used self-report scale used to assess an individual's emotional state in terms of depression, anxiety, and stress. It was developed by Lovibond (1995) and has been widely used in many studies and clinical practice. The DASS-21 contains three subscales that assess depression, anxiety, and stress respectively. Each subscale consists of 7 i...

Do you have post-holiday work anxiety?

From the first day of the holiday, many office workers start counting down the one-week holiday. A long vacation is what many people dream of, because everyone can have enough time to enjoy themselves. However, happy time always flies by, and in the blink of an eye, you are one step closer to work. Many people will feel absent-minded, listless, and even under great psychological pressure during t...

Infant and toddler autism (autism) screening scale M-CHAT-R free online assessment

Infant and toddler autism (autism) screening scale M-CHAT-R free online assessment
Infant and Toddler Autism Screening Scale M-CHAT-R: The authoritative early autism screening tool, suitable for children aged 16-30 months, helps parents detect developmental abnormalities early and obtain professional intervention suggestions. Click on the online test portal to learn more More! About the Infant and Toddler Autism (Autism) Screening Scale M-CHAT-R (Infant and Toddler Autism Scre...

PHQ-9 Depression Screening Scale Free Test

Test introduction Mental/Health 9 8 1 Minutes 20
PHQ-9 Depression Screening Scale Free Test
Nine-item self-rating depressive symptoms scale (Patient Health Questionnaire-9, referred to as PHQ-9). The PHQ-9 is a simple, effective depressive symptom assessment tool that is widely used in clinical and research fields. It consists of nine questions covering nine common depressive symptoms, including low mood, loss of interest or happiness, sleep problems, feelings of fatigue, changes in app...

Girl, what kind of husband should you find?

Everyone likes tall, rich and handsome people, right? But when it comes time to talk about marriage, everyone will find the one who suits them best. A tall, rich and handsome person is often just a specimen of a perfect love partner and should not be taken seriously. So, girl, what kind of husband should you find? Test it and see!

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