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Have you tried all five mainstream personality assessment tools?

Personality is an individual's internal behavioral tendency, which has the characteristics of uniqueness, integrity, structure, stability and other characteristics. It provides a unified internal explanation for each person's external behavior. Since Hippocrates' 'Four Liquids Theory' two thousand years ago, humans have never stopped researching 'personality psychology'. Up to now, there are many ...

Career planning, are you doing it right? After reading this article, you will know!

Career planning, are you doing it right? After reading this article, you will know!
What is career planning? Why do you need career planning? How to make a good career plan? These are questions that many people may often think about in their careers. Career planning refers to the process of formulating one's own career goals and development plans based on one's own interests, abilities, values and the needs of the career market. Career planning can help us better understand ourse...

Job hunting tips for college students: Strategies to deal with four major problems to make you more confident and competitive in your job search!

Job hunting is no longer an easy task for college students. Many college students will encounter some confusions and problems after graduation, such as not knowing which career is suitable for them, not being able to find a job that matches their major, not having a strong enough diploma, and insufficient work experience. These problems may seem complex, but they actually have some feasible soluti...

Career personality test to find the career that suits you best

If you are looking for a job, or want to revisit your career path, a career personality test can be very helpful. By understanding your personality traits and preferences, you can find the career that's best for you and increase job satisfaction and happiness. What is a professional personality test? Vocational personality test is a method of measuring individual career development needs. The te...

How to use SWOT analysis to discover your character strengths

What is SWOT analysis? SWOT analysis is a method of evaluating strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that can help you gain a more comprehensive understanding of your own or other objects' internal and external environments. SWOT is the abbreviation of four English words, which stand for: Strengths: The unique strengths, resources, skills, and abilities you possess that set you apart...

MBTI book list: 10 must-read books to help you understand yourself, discover your potential, and improve your leadership skills

Do you want to understand your personality type, discover your potential and strengths, find a career direction that suits you, and improve your leadership and interpersonal relationships? If your answer is yes, then you must not miss the following MBTI-related books. They will take you into a new world of psychology, allowing you to understand yourself, understand others, and win in character! W...

These 7 books can teach you 7 essential skills for counterattack

These 7 books can teach you 7 essential skills for counterattack: 1. 'The Psychology of Money' Author: Morgan Housel Skills: Money management skills Do you want to learn how to manage money? Then you must read this book. It will tell you the secrets of money management and make your brain smarter. You'll learn how to harness the power of compound interest and spend your life and your time for ...

What should you know about psychological testing?

What should you know about psychological testing?
What is a psychological test? Psychological testing refers to a scientific way to measure the differences in the intelligence level and personality of the person being evaluated through a series of scientific methods. Principles of psychological testing 1. Personal privacy must be protected. Because psychological tests involve personal privacy in terms of personal intelligence, abilities, etc., s...

Your hair is giving you away! A hair can measure your stress level. Do you dare to try it?

Have you ever been in a situation where you get up in the morning, look in the mirror, and realize that your hair is a mess, which makes you very unhappy. You might think it's because you didn't sleep well last night, or because you're using the wrong shampoo. In fact, your hair may have another secret that tells you how high your stress levels are. ! Hair can detect drugs and stress As you pro...

PsycTest User Registration Agreement Terms

Update time: June 26, 2023 Effective date: June 26, 2023 respected user: You are welcome to choose and use PsycTest products. PsycTest reminds you that please read all the following content carefully, especially the terms in bold or other reasonable ways to draw your attention, and please focus on reading the terms (especially the terms of intellectual property authorization and personal infor...

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