'政治意識形態' related tests

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Picture Psychology Test: Test your subconscious mind

Test introduction Mental/Health 1 5 1 Minutes 21
Subconscious is a psychological term. 'Human instinct is a subconscious part of the brain' refers to the unnoticed part of human psychological activities, and is people's 'mental activity process that has occurred but has not reached the state of consciousness.' Freud further divided the subconscious into two parts, the preconscious and the unconscious. Some also translated it as preconscious and ...

Subconscious Personality Test: Uncovering the Dark Side of Your Personality

Most of the time in our daily lives, we seem to be unable to detect the quiet existence of our subconscious. However, psychoanalytic theory has revealed an interesting phenomenon for us: when we are immersed in dreams, the subconscious mind may break through layers of obstacles and surface to the level of consciousness. We might as well calm down and think about it, in what way does the subconscio...

Subconscious thoughts look at your career goals

do you know? The building you yearn for most in the park may hint at your career outlook and life attitude. This is not only a simple choice, but also a mirror that reflects your inner world. Come and take this building selection test: reveal your career potential, explore your subconscious, and discover your true aspirations for your career! This psychological test explores the interesting ide...

What can make a man reveal his erotic subconscious?

In the country of love, men and women come from different worlds, and maintaining an intimate relationship requires careful understanding. Don’t say you don’t understand. In fact, men have revealed their subconscious desires. Deep in his heart, every man has 'passionate fantasies' that excite him, especially the temptation in clothing, which will detonate the most primitive impulse in his heart. ...

TAT Thematic Apperception Test, how deep is your subconscious mind?

Test introduction Mental/Health 7 10 1 Minutes 2
TAT experiment: Thematic Apperception Test (TAT for short) is a projective personal test invented by American psychologist Henry Murray in 1935. It can be used to understand the psychological needs, contradictions and inner emotions of subjects. TAT inspires test subjects to project their inner fantasies and mental activities through sketch images, and inadvertently becomes an X-ray showing the te...

Test your awareness of strangers

Psychological factors such as human cognition, emotion, intention, etc. are subject to changes and changes under the influence of external conditions. Therefore, in order to resist and prevent the invasion of cults, efforts should be made to build people's psychological prevention system. The primitive defense mechanism refers to the defense mechanism formed by childhood life experiences. Protect...

Psychological test: What is your favorite weather? Find out what you are subconsciously avoiding

Psychology's greatest contributor to the study of the subconscious must pay tribute to the great psychologist Freud! Freud used his unique psychoanalytic method to paint a three-dimensional psychological structure diagram for us. He believed that traditional psychology is only the surface layer of psychology, that is, the consciousness layer, and there are still other things in the psychological s...

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