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How to use the power of role models to help LGBT gain equality and respect in the workplace?

LGBT refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people who often experience discrimination and prejudice in society, especially in the workplace. LGBT employees who want to achieve success at work not only have to face the challenges of ordinary employees, but also face issues such as unfair pay, lack of protection, and poor working atmosphere. Is there a way to make LGBT employees feel conf...

A must-read for newcomers: How many of the 18 minefields in the workplace have you stepped on?

You have just graduated and started your career, and you may feel like you are still a student, or you may want to excel at work and win the recognition of your colleagues and leaders. But, you know what? In the workplace, there are many details that will affect your image and development. If you don't pay attention, you may make some common mistakes among newcomers and get yourself into embarrass...

What should I do if my boyfriend’s parents object?

What should I do if my boyfriend’s parents object?
Disapproval from your boyfriend's parents can be annoying, but it's not an insurmountable problem. Here are some suggestions that may be useful to help you resolve your dilemma: Understand and respect the views of your boyfriend's parents: First of all, you must know that your parents' objections are not necessarily directed at you personally, but are based on their own opinions and experiences. ...

Al Ries's 19 in-depth thoughts on new fields, new industries, and new careers

Al Ries, the global master of strategic positioning, has 19 in-depth thoughts on new fields, new industries, and new careers. Al Ries is a well-known marketing expert. He has put forward many unique insights on brands, competition and innovation in books such as 'Positioning' and '22 Unbreakable Laws of Marketing'. In this article, he shares his 19 in-depth thoughts on new fields, new industries,...

15 common psychological mistakes made by contemporary people, don’t be “deceived” by your own brain anymore

Do you sometimes feel that your way of thinking is irrational or that you have made some wrong decisions? You may be 'tricked' by your own brain. The human brain is a very complex and magical organ that can help us process all kinds of information, solve problems, and create imaginations. However, the brain also has its limitations and flaws. It will be affected by some psychological biases (cogni...

20 rules you must know in relationships

Relationships are an integral part of our lives, affecting our emotions, growth, and happiness. However, interpersonal communication is not an easy thing. It requires us to master some basic principles and skills in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and conflicts. In this article, I will share with you 20 rules of interpersonal relationships, hoping to help you improve your interpersonal skills a...

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