How to avoid being disadvantaged in society? 20 experiences to teach you how to deal with various situations

Society is a complex arena, and everyone plays a different role. Sometimes we encounter some troublesome problems, such as how to deal with praise from others, how to deal with unequal relationships, and how to escape from the pressure of involution. , how to integrate into the circle you want, etc. These problems may affect our mentality, emotions and actions, and even cause us to suffer or be injured. So, are there any experiences that can help us survive better in society? The answer is yes. Below I will share 20 social experiences with you, hoping to give you some inspiration and help.

  1. Don’t believe others’ compliments without reason and think more about their motivations for compliments. Some people may be trying to get close to you, flatter you, use you, or frame you, so don’t be fooled by superficial sweet talk and stay awake and vigilant.
  2. As long as one party in any relationship is too strong, don’t hesitate to let it go immediately. This can effectively avoid PUA in the workplace and in love. If you find yourself in a passive or controlled position in a relationship, you are probably being manipulated or taken advantage of. Such a relationship will not only hurt your self-esteem and self-confidence, but also cause you to lose yourself and direction. Therefore, break off such relationships in time and regain your initiative and dignity.
  3. Currently there are only two ways to escape involution, either to leave decisively or to reduce desires. Involution is a common phenomenon in today’s society. It means that in a fiercely competitive environment, everyone continues to increase investment in order to compete for limited resources, but the returns are getting less and less. Such an environment can make people feel anxious, depressed and powerless. If you want to escape from involution, you can choose to change to a field or region with relatively less competition, or adjust your expectations and desires, and don’t blindly follow the trend or compare.
  4. Don’t force yourself to fit into some circles. When you are not capable enough, the circle will not be completely open to you, and you will feel uncomfortable. Each circle has its own rules and thresholds. If you want to enter a certain circle, you must have the corresponding abilities and qualities. Otherwise, you will only be looked down upon or ostracized by people in your circle, and you will also feel inferior and inadequate. Therefore, before pursuing a certain circle, ask yourself whether you really like this circle and whether you have enough strength and preparation.
  5. Don’t try to satisfy everyone, you are a human being, not a god, especially people you don’t like, there is no need to compromise yourself to satisfy them. No one in this world can be liked and recognized by everyone. If you always think about pleasing others, you will only make yourself hypocritical and exhausted, and you will also lose your own personality and value. So, just be yourself, and as long as you don’t hurt others, you have the right to live according to your own wishes.
  6. Don’t argue with idiots, it’s a waste of time. Some people are just unreasonable. No matter what you say, they won’t listen and will even attack you in turn. Arguing with such people will only lower your own level and IQ, and will not change their views and attitudes. Therefore, when encountering such people, the best way is to ignore them, or simply say ‘You are right’ and walk away.
  7. As long as the financial conditions are acceptable, take your family for a physical examination every year. The earlier you buy insurance for yourself and your family, the better. Health is the foundation of everything. If you or your family members get sick, your work, study, and life will be affected. Therefore, it is very necessary and important to have regular physical examinations and detect and treat physical problems in time. At the same time, buying insurance for yourself and your family is also a kind of planning and protection for the future, which can reduce financial pressure and burden in the event of an accident or major illness.
  8. Learn to invest and manage money and force savings. The former can help you make money, and the latter can save your life at a critical moment. Although money is not everything, nothing is possible without money. If you want your wealth to grow, then you can’t just rely on salary or income to maintain your life, but you must learn to use money to make money. Investment and financial management can make your money flow in the market and obtain more returns. Of course, investing also involves risks, so you should choose appropriate investment methods and products based on your risk tolerance and goals. In addition, forced saving is also a good financial management habit. It can help you develop a sense of saving and planning, and leave an emergency fund for yourself so that you can respond in time when unexpected events occur.
  9. The most efficient way to change yourself is to do what you fear. Many times we want to change ourselves, but we are afraid of the difficulties and challenges that change will bring. We always find excuses to avoid or put off doing things that we think are difficult or scary. But doing so will only make us stagnate or even regress. If we really want to change ourselves, then we have to be brave enough to face the things we fear and try to overcome them. Doing so not only allows us to increase our confidence and experience, but also allows us to discover our potential abilities and potential.
  10. Don’t be nervous in public, everyone is very busy and pay more attention to their mobile phones than to you. So, just relax and be natural, you don’t have an audience. Some people feel nervous or uncomfortable in public, perhaps because they are worried about other people’s looks or comments. But in fact, most of the time, others don’t care so much about your every move. They care more about their own things, such as their mobile phones, their jobs, their families, etc. Therefore, you don’t have to care too much about other people’s opinions, and you don’t have to deliberately express or hide yourself. Just relax and be natural, you don’t have any audience.
  11. Don’t be a teacher. Everyone knows the truth, but few people like to be taught condescendingly. If you want to give someone some advice or help, you have to first consider whether the other person needs or is willing to listen, and whether you have enough qualifications and experience to say it. Otherwise, you will only make the other person feel disgusted or bored, and you will also reveal your own ignorance and arrogance.
  12. Don’t look down on anyone, many people wearing slippers may be multi-millionaires. People cannot be judged by their appearance. You cannot judge a person’s value and ability based on his appearance, occupation, education, wealth, etc. Some people may look ordinary or low-key, but they may have extraordinary talents or achievements. Some people may seem noble or proud, but they may just rely on luck or connections. Therefore, do not easily evaluate or discriminate against others, and do not easily envy or worship others.
  13. Don’t overestimate your own strength and lower your expectations so that when you do something, even if you don’t complete it well, you won’t be devastated. Many times we set a very high goal or standard for ourselves and then work hard to achieve it. But if we do not have enough ability or conditions to achieve it, we will encounter many difficulties and setbacks, or even fail. Such results can leave us feeling disappointed, frustrated, and remorseful. Therefore, before doing something, we must first understand our own strengths and weaknesses, and reasonably set a feasible and suitable goal or standard. Doing so allows us to complete tasks more focused and efficiently, and to respond calmly and flexibly when encountering problems.
  14. Learn to control complaints and vent emotions, no one is obligated to bear your pain. We all encounter something unpleasant or unhappy, and sometimes we want to find someone to talk to or vent to. But we have to be aware that not everyone is willing or suitable to listen to our complaints or vent. Some people may find you annoying or weak, some may use your information or emotions against you, and some may be infected by your negative energy. Therefore, when choosing someone to talk to or vent to, you must consider it carefully. It is best to find people who really care about you, understand you, and support you. At the same time, you must also learn to self-regulate and not rely too much on others, but find some ways that suit you to release stress and negative emotions.
  15. Don’t tell others until the matter is done. Don’t say you’re wrong until you know the full picture. Some people may tell others what they are doing or what they plan to do in advance because they are excited or nervous. But doing so may bring you some trouble or risk. For example, some people may be jealous of you or obstruct you, some may take the lead or take away your opportunity, and some may put unnecessary expectations or pressure on you. Therefore, before things are determined, it is best to keep a low profile and silence, and do not reveal your plans or progress easily. Similarly, don’t admit your mistakes or failures easily before something goes wrong, because some problems may not be caused by you, or there may be opportunities to recover.
  16. Don’t pin your happiness on others. You need to nod and bend down to receive what others give you. If one day you are dissatisfied, they can kick you away at any time. Happiness is a subjective feeling that depends on your attitude and satisfaction with yourself and life. If you always expect others to give you happiness, then you will lose your own initiative and judgment, and you will also become dependent and weak. What others give you, whether material or spiritual, has conditions and limitations. They can change their mind or withdraw their commitment at any time, leaving you disappointed and hopeless. Therefore, don’t pin your happiness on others, but rely on yourself to create and enjoy it.
  17. Be respectful. When meeting old foxes or those elites in high positions, don’t try to be clever. It’s safest to just be a fool. There are many experienced, skillful, and prominent people in society. They may be your bosses, customers, partners, competitors, etc. If you meet such a person, don’t think that you can play tricks on them or take advantage of them. They see farther, think deeper, and do more ruthlessly than you do. Your cleverness may be child’s play in their eyes. Therefore, when encountering such people, the best way is to remain reverent and humble, do not challenge or offend them easily, but respect their opinions and decisions, and try your best to do your part.
  18. You don’t have to bow down to others at any time. Neither being humble nor being arrogant is the best state of life. The humbler the person, the easier it is to be bullied. Again, people like to pick on the weak. You are a person of dignity and value, and you do not need to give up your principles and positions in order to please or cater to others. If you always kowtow to others, you will only make others look down on you or bully you, and you will also lose your own backbone and belief. Therefore, when interacting with others, you must remain confident and polite, do not be overly humble or obedient, but insist on your own opinions and rights.
  19. When facing people who infringe on your rights and interests, be thorny. The harder and thunderous your thorns are, the less they dare to infringe on you. There are many unreasonable, law-abiding, and immoral people in society, and they may use various means to violate your interests or dignity. If you are too gentle or tolerant towards such people, you will only make them worse and hurt yourself even more. Therefore, when you encounter such people, you must dare to resist and fight, and use law, reason, and strength to protect yourself and punish them.
  20. Don’t leave your back to anyone who has deceived you, please note, “Never again”. Don’t take chances. People who have deceived you once will often deceive you a second time. Trust is a very precious and fragile thing. Once betrayed or destroyed, it is difficult to restore or rebuild. If a person cheats on you once, he has proven that he is not worthy of your trust or respect. If you give him another chance or forgive him, he may think you are easy to cheat or bully, and lie to you or hurt you again. Therefore, after discovering that someone has cheated on you, you should immediately cut off contact with him and do not give him any more opportunities or excuses.

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