How to use psychological suggestions to get others to do what you want?

Psychological suggestion is a powerful psychological technique that can make you more influential in social, work, and life, and better able to achieve your goals. Psychological suggestion refers to the use of implicit and indirect methods to influence the psychology and behavior of others. Suggestion often causes others to act in a certain way unconsciously, or to accept certain opinions or beliefs uncritically.

So, how to use psychological suggestion to control other people’s choices? Here we introduce to you several commonly used psychological suggestion techniques, so that you can easily become a social master.

Psychology Skills

Selective suggestion

Selective suggestion means providing the other party with limited options, allowing the other party to make a choice within the range you set, while ignoring other possibilities. This technique allows you to effectively guide the other person’s thinking to achieve the results you want.

For example, Xiao Sai wants to invite Xiao Ke to participate in ordering milk tea with a discount. Xiao Sai asks Xiao Ke whether he wants to drink original flavor or chocolate flavor? At this time, Xiaoke usually chooses one from them, and rarely says that I want to drink coffee or other drinks. When Xiao Sai gave Xiao Sai options, he imprisoned his thinking.

Of course, this technique must be used in moderation. If the options are too few or too obvious, the other party may feel restricted or manipulated, which may lead to resistance. Therefore, selective hints should be used flexibly according to different situations and objects.

Nod suggestion method

The nodding suggestion method refers to nodding frequently when speaking, creating a psychological suggestion to the other party: ‘What I said is true’ and ‘You should agree with me.’ This will increase the persuasiveness of your point of view and increase the chance that the other party will agree with you.

For example, Xiao Sai wants Xiao Ke to agree with what he is saying. When Xiao Sai nods frequently, Xiao Ke easily agrees. This is the nodding suggestion method. By nodding your head constantly, the other person will become more convinced of your point of view.

The nodding cue method can also be used to give the other party a positive feedback when listening to the other party, making the other party feel valued and respected. This can enhance intimacy and trust between both parties.

Behavioral cues

Behavioral suggestion refers to influencing the other person’s psychology and behavior through one’s own or other people’s actions. This technique takes advantage of humans’ natural imitation and herd mentality to make the other person follow you or the group unknowingly.

For example, Xiao Sai didn’t like Xiao Ke very much. One time, Xiao Ke had to ask Xiao Sai for help. Afterwards, their relationship actually got better. This is because helping others creates a kind of cognitive dissonance²: Since I helped him or her, I must like him or her. So helping others can increase their favorable impression of you.

Another example is when watching a movie in a cinema, when everyone laughs, you laugh too; when everyone claps, you clap too. This is because you have been prompted by the behavior of others, you think this is an appropriate response, and you want to fit in with the group.

Other psychological suggestion techniques

In addition to the above three techniques, there are also some other psychological suggestion techniques, such as:

  • Authority hint: Use one’s own or others’ authoritative status, professional knowledge, reputation, etc. to influence the other party and make the other party feel that you are trustworthy and obedient. For example, doctors, teachers, leaders, celebrities, etc. all have certain authority implications.
  • Reciprocity hint: Use the human principle of reciprocity to give the other party some small favors, making the other party feel that they owe you a favor, making it easier to accept your requests or suggestions. For example, give each other some small gifts, treat each other to dinner, help each other solve problems, etc.
  • Scarcity hint: Make use of human scarcity psychology to give the other party a feeling that opportunities are rare, time is limited, and quantity is limited, making the other party feel that they will lose a lot if they do not seize the opportunity, making it easier to make decisions or actions. For example, discount promotions, limited time offers, limited sales, etc.
  • Social recognition hint: Use human social recognition psychology to give the other party a feeling that everyone does this and thinks this way, making the other party feel that this is a correct and common choice, making it easier to follow the trend or trend. For example, use data, evaluations, testimonials, etc. to show other people’s choices or evaluations.


Psychology Skills

Psychological suggestion is a very practical psychological skill that can make you more influential in social life, work, and life, and better able to achieve your goals. However, when using psychological suggestions, you should also pay attention to the timing, objects and methods of use. Do not overuse or abuse, otherwise it may arouse the other party’s resentment or resistance. Psychological suggestion should be a mutually beneficial and benign way of interaction, not a means of manipulation or deception.

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