All psychological tests

Psychological test: Test how high your masculine index is

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
What is a tomboy? As the name suggests, she is a woman who is like a man. This type of woman is bold, confident, and as broad-minded as a man. They don't care about trivial matters. They are independent, friendly and loyal. Not everyone has the temperament of a tomboy, and not many people can accept the tomboy around them. Sometimes a woman's personality is not revealed in her actions, but often e...

Fun test: Test your level of second-hand goods?

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
Erhuo: Also referred to as '二', the original meaning is to insult others and call them stupid. People in Sichuan call it 'Guawazi', people in the north call it 'Erlangzi' and 'Erbi', and people in the northwest call it 'Erqiu'. Current Internet interpretation: Silly and cute person! There are many people in life who like to be second-rate, and maybe you are one of them, but the degree of second-ra...

Psychological test: Test your ability to identify rich people

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
As the saying goes: 'You can't judge a person by his appearance, and you can't measure the sea water.' Can you tell a rich person at a glance? Money is an intangible thing. I think because there are many things that cannot be bought with money, the question of what is money is too difficult. People have different desires and requirements. Some people feel that they have 100 Ten thousand means you...

Fun psychological test: test whether you are attacking or receiving

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes 5
Everyone has the right to choose and pursue their own happiness, and they are all worthy of respect. Homosexual love in ancient times was secretive, but today's homosexual love is earth-shattering. Why do you say this? Because today's view of love is more open, whether it is influenced by Western culture or not, the fact is already there. So, do you want to know whether you are attacking or receiv...

Interesting psychological test - nightmares reveal your psychological weaknesses

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
Nightmares refer to an intense and unpleasant dream experience that occurs during sleep, usually bringing about strong emotional reactions, such as fear, anxiety, despair, etc. Everyone may have nightmares occasionally in life, but if they occur frequently and affect the quality of life, you need to pay attention. Nightmares are often related to an individual's psychological weaknesses and stress...

Fun psychological test: Test your madness index

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
Let me start by saying, this is a fun test. Maybe you have always been a gentle person. This test is just to test the limits of your madness and see how far you can reach when you are the craziest. When dealing with something special, sometimes you have to take some special measures to vent your inner anger. In Japan, there are also 'Plate Breaking Shops', 'Crushing Instant Noodle Shops' and so on...

Fun psychological test: What is your evil-mindedness index?

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
'Women are not bad, but men are not loving.' You sweetheart, can't you guess the reason? This is because 'bad women' know how to express their charm better. Since it’s hard for a man to reject a “bad girl”, you can actually be a bad girl once in a while. Bad girls need to know how to exude their charm and how to control them. So, have you lost your original innocence, and do you have the potential...

Fun psychological test: Test your shamelessness index

Life/hobbies 1 1 Minutes
As the saying goes: 'Those who are thick-skinned will eat enough, but those who are thin-skinned will not be able to eat.' Some people don't care about other people's opinions at all, and some people care very much about other people's opinions. If a tree has no bark, it will definitely die. Without morals, anything is possible. In life, some people think love is very important and reserve is very...

Fun psychological test: Test how perverted you are

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 5
Everyone will have some weird behaviors or thoughts, which may seem okay to themselves, but to others they are very abnormal! Some people have very weird interests, such as collecting various bottle caps, being interested in strange insects, and liking to bury things... Behind their good sense of self, there are looks of contempt. Do you know how perverted you are? Come and test it and you will kn...

Fun psychological test: Test whether you will meet a heartless person

Love/Relationship 1 1 Minutes
When everyone encounters love, they long for a single-minded love, but there are always some heartless people who like complicated love, eating what is in the bowl and thinking about what is in the pot. Not being single-minded in love, being ambiguous with others, cheating on others, etc., hurts other people's bodies and minds. Let’s analyze it, recognize their faces, and be careful not to be dece...

Psychological test: Test your level of schizophrenia

Character/Personality 1 1 Minutes 2
Why do people love to watch Hollywood blockbusters so much and never tire of them? It’s because of the star-studded cast and the compact and ups and downs of the plot. For example, the inspirational blockbuster 'A Beautiful Mind' and the thriller blockbuster 'Black Swan' in previous years. Both Russell Crowe and Natalie Portman have received great acclaim in the film industry for their outstanding...

Fun psychological test: Test how dark your heart is

Mental/Health 1 1 Minutes 2
There are angels and demons living in everyone's heart. Angels are the sustenance of good people, and demons are the sustenance of bad people. When the devil in your heart defeats the angel, the darkness in your heart will amplify infinitely. How dark will your heart be? How high is the darkness index in your heart? Come and test it out.

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