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Test your popularity index

Some people hang out with friends all day long, but it seems that everyone has a good relationship, but in fact, few of them are really close to each other. But some people have few friends, but they are all brothers who are willing to do anything to help each other. So how good is your relationship with your friends? Let’s test your popularity.

What are the criteria for choosing your friends?

It’s so hard to get to know you, I don’t care how long it takes. Is that so? Of course not, it is very simple to understand a person. You can find out from the friends around him. The saying 'those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black' are not unreasonable. Different types of people have different kinds of friends. Therefore, choosing Yiyou is a relatively importan...

Find out who will save you from the fire and water

Sometimes, we have a lot of doubts, dare not act, and choose to ignore it. I choose to help because I think people will always need help. I don’t want me or my family and friends to have no one to lend a helping hand in times of crisis. When you are in trouble, who will be the first person to come to your rescue? Let’s test it together.

What are your communication difficulties?

Everyone needs friends and everyone needs to communicate with others. Some people get a lot of praise and friends because of their good communication skills, while some people have some shortcomings in communication that prevent them from integrating into the circle or even into society. Do you want to know what your communication difficulties are? Please choose one of the following ABCD 4 options...

Are you an easy person to get along with?

People need to be friendly to get along with each other, and people who are easy to get along with are welcome wherever they go, and they are popular and enjoy all kinds of food. Some people make you feel particularly easy to get close to, while others make you want to get close but always feel rejected thousands of miles away. I believe many friends feel this way, so do you know what they are lik...

Test how you would treat someone who lets you off the hook

The most indispensable thing in our life is friends. There is a saying that relies on family at home and friends when going out. We will get to know all kinds of different people at every stage. From strangers at the beginning, you will become close friends. There are also some friends who are just casual acquaintances, and we no longer keep in touch after a while. However, there are always a few ...

Test your taste in making friends

They say birds of a feather flock together, so naturally people flock together. A person's personality affects the way he makes friends to some extent. The kind of people he likes and the kind of people he is willing to associate with are all related to his personality. Just like the word 'Yangchunbaixue', it must be two extremes. They will not go together, and there is even no way to understand i...

What kind of 'bitch' do your friends think you are?

The beloved Concubine Hua in the hit TV series 'The Legend of Zhen Huan' has a very classic line, 'A bitch is just a hypocrite.' This deeply emotional and derogatory line has been abused by everyone. A bitch means a mean person, and a pretentious person means acting pretentiously. Being a bitch is not only pretentious, but also has many behaviors that will leave you speechless. For example, coquet...

Can you become friends with others based on first impression?

There is a saying that 'birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together.' Even though some people meet for the first time, they can chat happily and quickly become friends; some people, although they get along day and night, are strangers to each other. This is both the result of personality and the result of fate. People with different personalities have very different interpersonal ...

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