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EQ emotional intelligence online test

Interpersonal/Social 15 3 minute 3
EQ emotional intelligence online test
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a key concept when it comes to people's intellectual and emotional abilities. Unlike intelligence quotient (IQ), emotional intelligence measures an individual's ability to recognize and express their own emotions and understand the emotions of others. Daniel Goleman, a famous American psychologist and PhD in psychology from Harvard, designed this EQ test, which consi...

Test how you can expand your career space

Workplace/career 1 1 minute
As the saying goes: 'As big as the heart is, so is the stage.' After entering society, career becomes the goal we strive for throughout our lives, and years of hard study are just to realize our dreams one day. And many times, career success depends on ourselves, so how can we expand the development space of our career and achieve success as soon as possible? This is a career test question, I hop...

Test: Are you mature enough in the workplace?

Workplace/career 1 1 minute
As a working person, I always feel bored after working long hours. I wonder if there are any workaholics or people who love their work? Anyway, most people have it. It’s like eating honey. If you eat too much, you will sometimes get tired of it. Once people have emotions, they are prone to some abnormalities, such as resistance. This is actually a matter of workplace maturity. Test your maturity i...

Are you the boss of your circle of friends?

If a person can become the boss among friends, it means that his words have the most weight in the circle of friends. Such people generally have strong leadership skills, and their friends think what they say is trustworthy. Not everyone has the ability to convince others. Improve some small flaws in how you treat people and make you more popular in your circle of friends. Let's take an ability te...

Test how inferior you are in your truest heart

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 3
'Inferiority complex' can easily make people overly sensitive and have high self-esteem; they lack courage in doing things, are timid, go along with others, and have no independent opinions; when they encounter problems, they think it is their own fault. It is easy to lose the courage and confidence to interact with others. It can be said: Inferiority is our biggest obstacle to happiness.

Honor of Kings Teammate Test: Your reaction reveals your character

'Honor of Kings' is a popular mobile game, and encountering bad teammates in the game is a common problem. What will be your reaction at this time? What character traits are revealed behind your actions? Next, let’s do a “Honor of Kings Teammate Test” to see what interesting personality traits your reaction can reveal!

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