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psychological tests
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Test how inferior you are in your truest heart

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 3
"Inferiority complex" can easily make people overly sensitive and have high self-esteem; they lack courage in doing things, are timid, go along with others, and have no independent opinions; when they encounter problems, they think it is their own fault. It is easy to lose the courage and confidence to interact with others. It can be said: Inferiority is our biggest obstacle to happiness.

What are your psychological weaknesses?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 17
Psychologists believe that people have some weaknesses in life, and these weaknesses make people easily affected by the outside world. Everyone has human psychological weaknesses. More or less, you will encounter several psychological weaknesses that you cannot control yourself. Only by seeing them clearly can you guide yourself better. Everyone has a double-sided psychology, with both a strong si...

Are you a dominance freak?

Character/Personality 4 4 minute 1
Control is what most of us crave, but some people crave it more than others. And many people will do whatever it takes to get it. For these people, having more control over their lives and those around them can reduce tension. In fact, they will find that there are so few things they can control and dominate, and pursuing too much control is often counterproductive. Are you such a person? You will...

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