'Work' related tests

psychological test
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Do you have a tenacious and persistent heart?

'Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb.' To make achievements in any work, you need unremitting efforts. If you work day and night, stop at a superficial level, and give up halfway, you will ultimately achieve nothing. Perseverance and perseverance are the basis for success. Carnegie said: 'The failure of many young people can be attributed to a lack of persevera...

Career and Personality Match Test

Personality and career are closely related. The match between personality type and career type determines the success of your career. Research in occupational psychology shows that different professions have different personality requirements for practitioners. A person's personality affects career suitability. When the occupation he engages in matches his personality, it is easy for him to exert...

See clearly how big your ambition is?

Achievement motivation is also often called ambition or ambition. People cannot be without ambition. Without ambition, there will not be enough motivation. However, when ambition is too great, haste may lead to waste in haste, and the motivation to win is too strong, which in turn reduces efficiency. Excessive ambition often damages relationships, and when a person is highly focused on his or her ...

What kind of workplace personality are you?

As the saying goes, character determines everything. Although it is somewhat exaggerated, in today's workplace, personal 'workplace personality' factors are indeed very important. It determines your workplace performance, affects your boss's view of you, and affects your career development. Therefore, understanding your own 'workplace personality' and making appropriate adjustments will help you ...

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