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Schizotypal personality test: Find out if you have this invisible psychological disorder!

Do you have a schizotypal personality? Come and test it out! What is schizotypal personality? !Schizotypal personality Schizotypal personality is an uncommon personality disorder. Some people also call it cowardice and inferiority complex. People with this personality usually exhibit the following characteristics: Likes to be alone, doesn't like to socialize, doesn't care about other people's ...

Popular science knowledge about depression and a guide for caregiving (with PHQ-9 Depression Screening Scale online test)

Popular science knowledge about depression and a guide for caregiving (with PHQ-9 Depression Screening Scale online test)
Have you ever encountered a situation where your friend or family member is always sad, not interested in anything, doesn’t want to talk to people, doesn’t want to go out, and sometimes even says he wants to die? Do you think they are just in a bad mood or overthinking, and you just need to enlighten them or cheer them up and they will get better? In fact, this may be a manifestation of depression...

The secret of first love: Why does it make our hearts flutter?

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” ― William Shakespeare. First love is one of the most unforgettable experiences in many people's lives. Whether it's sweet memories or painful regrets, first love leaves a lasting impression on us. Why is first love so special? What impact does it have on our lives and love? ! First love is an intense emotional experience First love usually occurs durin...

Career personality test to find the career that suits you best

If you are looking for a job, or want to revisit your career path, a career personality test can be very helpful. By understanding your personality traits and preferences, you can find the career that's best for you and increase job satisfaction and happiness. What is a professional personality test? Vocational personality test is a method of measuring individual career development needs. The te...

Professional personality test tools commonly used by HR

Professional personality test tools commonly used by HR
In the field of psychology, 'Character' and 'Personality' are two completely different concepts. Although there are many interpretations of the psychological definition of personality, generally speaking, it refers to a person's relatively stable psychological characteristics and behavioral tendencies. In daily communication, what we call personality is actually what psychology refers to as person...

Subconscious: What we don’t know about ourselves

We do all kinds of things, say all kinds of things, and express all kinds of emotions every day. However, have you ever thought that these superficial behaviors and feelings are actually driven by our subconscious minds deep inside? What is the subconscious mind? How does it affect us? Let’s explore this mysterious and important spiritual realm together. What is the subconscious mind? The Uncons...

How should parents respond when their underage daughter encounters sexual behavior?

In modern society, parents may face some unexpected challenges, one of which is the early introduction of sexual activity to their underage daughters. As a parent, how you respond calmly, provide support, and take appropriate measures is not only related to your children's future development, but also their mental health and safety. So, what should parents do when they discover this situation? Thi...

MBTI and Zodiac Signs: Personality Traits of INFP Leos

MBTI and Zodiac Signs: Personality Traits of INFP Leos
INFP Leo: Enthusiastic and confident idealist INFP, as a member of MBTI, is an idealist by nature and pursues inner truth and meaning. Leo, as a member of the constellation, symbolizes confidence, enthusiasm and courage, and the pursuit of personal value and glory. Combining these two personality traits, INFP Leo individuals are full of confidence and enthusiasm. They focus on self-realization an...

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator

Basal metabolic rate refers to the amount of calories the human body consumes to maintain basic physiological activities such as heartbeat and breathing. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) refers to the rate of maintaining life (heartbeat, breathing, gland secretion, kidney filtration and excretion) in a natural temperature (18 ~ 25°C) environment, awake, lying still, fasting, and relaxed. , detoxificati...

15 top insights on life that can only be understood after going through all the vicissitudes of life

Life is a journey. Everyone will experience different scenery, encounter different people and things, and form their own concepts and values. In this complex and ever-changing world, some truths may only be understood through many vicissitudes of life, and some experiences may only be understood through personal experience. Today, I would like to share with you 15 life insights, which may give you...

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