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Factors affecting mental health of college students

Factors affecting mental health of college students Judging from the current general situation in our country's colleges and universities, most college students are mentally healthy; however, there are also a considerable number of college students whose mental health status is not optimistic. According to a survey of 126,000 college students across the country, 20.3% have obvious psychological d...

INFP Pisces’ money concepts and ways to get rich

INFP Pisces’ money concepts and ways to get rich
When discussing the money concepts and wealth views of INFP Pisces individuals, we must not only consider the influence of MBTI personality theory, but also combine the characteristics of Pisces in Western astrology. INFP, as an introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving personality type, exhibits unique behavioral patterns when it comes to money management and wealth accumulation. INFP and ...

Recommend 8 classic memoirs to experience a real and wonderful life

Have you ever wondered how your life is shaped by your memories? Have you ever wondered how your memories are affected by your life? Have you ever wondered whether you could learn about other people's lives through their memories? Memoirs are a form of literature that allows us to peek into other people's inner worlds, experience their life stories, feel their ups and downs and life insights, all...

'Harvard Happiness Course' teaches you how to improve your happiness

What is happiness? This is an old and timeless question, and everyone may have a different answer. However, there are some scientific studies and practices that can help us better understand and improve our happiness. 'Harvard Happiness Course' is one such course. It was established by Harvard University psychology professor Tal Ben-Shahar. It has attracted more than 1,400 students to take it and ...

10 principles to help you avoid 90% of social malice

Social interaction is an indispensable part of human life, but social interaction also has risks and challenges. How to avoid social maliciousness and improve social efficiency and quality? This article will provide you with some professional advice and guidance based on the following ten principles. 1. Analyze the characteristics of the surrounding social environment, and analyze the characteris...

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