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Schizotypal personality test: Find out if you have this invisible psychological disorder!

Do you have a schizotypal personality? Come and test it out! What is schizotypal personality? !Schizotypal personality Schizotypal personality is an uncommon personality disorder. Some people also call it cowardice and inferiority complex. People with this personality usually exhibit the following characteristics: Likes to be alone, doesn't like to socialize, doesn't care about other people's ...

10 typical manifestations of being short-sighted. How many have you been hit by?

Being short-sighted is a common character flaw that can cause people to lose their sense of proportion in social interactions, offend others, and even put them in danger. People who are short-sighted often do not know how to observe, analyze and judge. They only act on their own impulses and feelings, and the results are often counterproductive. So, what are the typical manifestations of short-sig...

Is it a good or bad habit to stick to negative news? How to get rid of the doomsday scrolling problem?

Why do we pay close attention to negative news? In this era of information explosion, we are exposed to all kinds of news every day, many of which are negative, depressing, and even scary. Epidemics, disasters, violence, conflicts... these events make us feel powerless and frightened, but also make us irresistibly want to know more. We constantly refresh the screen of our mobile phones and watch ...

How should parents respond when their underage daughter encounters sexual behavior?

In modern society, parents may face some unexpected challenges, one of which is the early introduction of sexual activity to their underage daughters. As a parent, how you respond calmly, provide support, and take appropriate measures is not only related to your children's future development, but also their mental health and safety. So, what should parents do when they discover this situation? Thi...

Why does studying psychology destroy the three views? Because it allows you to discover these amazing truths!

Psychology is a science that explores human psychological phenomena and behavioral laws. It involves human cognition, emotion, motivation, personality, society, development and other aspects. Studying psychology can help us better understand ourselves and others, and improve the quality and efficiency of life and work. However, studying psychology may also make us doubt and confuse some things th...

Why is our New Year’s taste getting weaker and weaker? The underlying reasons behind social changes

The Chinese New Year is the most important festival of the year for the Chinese. It is not only a day to celebrate the New Year, but also a day for reunion, sacrifice, prayer and inheritance. However, with the development and changes of society, our sense of the New Year seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and celebrating the New Year becomes more and more like a routine. Our family ties are be...

The top 10 annual popularity rankings of the 16 MBTI personality types are revealed! No surprise at all!

The top 10 annual popularity rankings of the 16 MBTI personality types are revealed! No surprise at all!
Are you on the annual popularity ranking of MBTI’s 16 personality types? The top 10 most popular MBTI personality types are revealed. People with these traits are the most popular! Free MBTI test methods and the latest questions in the Chinese version Through the MBTI test, we can better understand our own personality characteristics, such as extroversion, introversion, intuition, thinking, emot...

Is it a bad habit to press the alarm in the morning and get some sleep?

Do you often get woken up by your alarm clock in the morning and then press the snooze button, wanting to sleep a little longer? Do you think this makes you feel more comfortable and energetic? In fact, doing so may affect your physical and mental health. Let’s talk about why it’s a bad habit to press the alarm in the morning and sleep a little longer, and how to break it. ! The role and quality...

Are you caught among the top ten obstacles to career development?

In the workplace, we all hope to successfully achieve our goals, gain recognition from our bosses and colleagues, and enhance our value and status. However, sometimes we encounter difficulties and setbacks, and are even hindered by seemingly insignificant details. These details may be our own behavior or attitude, or it may be our communication or cooperation with others. If we do not discover and...

Use SWOT analysis to find out personal strengths and opportunities, and quickly find the job and industry that best suits you

'What should I do? I'll graduate in a few months and I don't know what I'm going to do in the future.' 'How about getting a master's degree?' 'Go be a soldier first and then think about it later.' Graduation season is approaching. , are you feeling uneasy about entering the society? I feel even more anxious when I think that my entire resume is blank. In fact, for college students with no work exp...

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